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Another Day Another Day

Well another day has come and gone in my tiny little world and suffice to day it didn’t disappoint. On the reality side of things school is going great (finally doing something I like which is a nice change), and now my grandfather and I are 4-0 for taking down trees exactly where we say they will go (long story, don’t ask).

On the not so reality part of my life (i.e. videogames), the progress has been slow. World of Warcraft is taking up the majority of my time, but now and then I manage to squeeze in some Halo 2 or UT2K4. It’s amazing after spending so much time in WoW how rewarding a simple match of Team Swat can make you realize how much fun fast paced games are. Beyond that everything is going great.
Just counting down the days until Gears of War.:P