Terrible title, I know. Journalism was not my missed calling. The purpose of this entry is to pick my fellow users' brains and find out what podcasts they enjoy. I have had an ipod since the real ugly old white ones, before they became uber popular. I listened to only music for a while, but after a while I decided why not absorb some information while I am passing the time at work and such.
I browsed itunes and some top podcast lists, and after a while I found some that I really liked, while i let some others fade into obscurity. I mostly enjoy gaming, tech, news, political, astronomy, and other geeky topics. Currently I have some great stuff, but I feel I need more and I figured you guys have to know of some interesting stuff.
As of now I listen to the CAGcast, This Week in Tech, Astronomy Cast, and Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. Great shows but I need some more. I will describe the ones I enjoy in the hopes you guys might find something you like.
The CAGcast
Host Cheapy D of cheapassgamer.com and his dorky co host are my gaming podcast of choice. They cover the weekly gaming news, sales, deals, and some other random things. Cheapy is living in Japan, and always has some great misadventures to tell us about. No, he isn't some industry insider or an amazing journalist, he is just a gaming enthusiast who happens to run the best money saving gaming website around. He is a gamer's gamer and thats what i enjoy.
This Week in Tech is hosted by Leo Laporte, who isan industry insider, of the tech industry. He has a couple regular co-hosts, as well as some who rotate and some special guests. It's kind of different every week which is nice. Recently he had major nelson on for E3. These guys go over the latest gadgets, internet company dealings, video games, and all sorts of other inside stuff that we do not realize is behind a lot of what drives the industry. It really is a great show
Hardcore History
Dan Carlin is, in his own words, the opposite of a history professor. He is a history enthusiast. In school we learned what the books told us, and that was that. This is much different. It reminds me of a book I read called The Real Lincoln, which showed lincoln for the real man he was (a money driven bigot), not the hero your books would have you believe.
Dan's issues are not so controversial, but what they do is give you other sides of what happened, or things lost in the writings of the victors. I find it much more interesting than any school book or lecture I have heard, and recommend it highly. The one caveat is that the show is not produced often enough, so you do have to wait a while between episodes. Right now I am in the middle of a 2 part episode on the eradication and genocide of Carthage, and am anxiously awaiting the next entry.
Astronomy Cast
Dork-o-meter overload. This one is really just for fun. I love understanding how things work. What better subject to understand the workings of than one that operates on cosmic scales? If you arent into space, physics, time, matter, and all of their interweavings, this show wont interest you. If you like hearing about how the universe operates, this one can be really interesting. I personally really enjoy it, but this one isnt for everyone.
So I've touched on what I listen to, and I hope I get some of the shows some new listeners. Now I would love to hear what you guys listen to because the week is long and I would love to have some more interesting things to absorb during the day.