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Year of the Gamer 2010

Holy jeebus this year has been crazy for gamers! So many games have been released for many types of gamers and fans of certain franchises. Old are turned in to new and even the new have somewhat learned from the old. All the games this year are a variety of creative products that creative minds have worked on and for who? For us. The gamer.

I have been gaming since I was six years old, I believe. My first console: NES. First game: Super Mario Bros + Duck Hunt combo.

Now I own two the three consoles from Sony. Playstation 2 and a Playstation 3. I had a PSP but I don't know where I put the damn thing... oh how I miss you. But anyway, I wanted to say that this year has been a crazy year for me. As a gamer it's got me broke but yet satisfied. I treat my video games as a film critic would treat his job. He enjoys it for the experience and of course the quality of the product. Most games anyway are so "cinematic" ex: MGS4, Heavy Rain that you might as well be playing in a movie. You control the hero and you decide what the out of the movie will be.

Much like a reader would pick up a new book to satisfy his thirst for the new fiction release or the latest fantasy issue in their own personal favorite series, I buy video games for the content. Uncharted is a great action adventure based on treasure hunting, betrayal, drama, and of course action with a character that has a sense of humor. Playing Uncharted reminded me when I first watched Indiana Jones. But this time I got to be Indy (somewhat) I can control him I can choose how to eliminate my enemies and of course progress through the story in my control.

This year has been crazy for original new releases such as, Vanquish, Enslaved, and of course God of War III. Then there's also modern reiterations of Castlevania, Medal of Honor, and just updated versions of games that came out on older systems, those are great too. You can compare how far a game has gone from an 8-bit version all the way to the modern systems. It's nice to see my old flat 2d characters come to life in 3d graphics and have more of a realistic version of them.

But with all praise aside all these new games with the addition to trophies. Growing up and being a responsible adult leaves you with little time to appreciate each game 100% I find myself left behind. If I decide to get a platinum trophy on any PS3 game with the frequent release of specific games I want I end up having a surplus of games not played. OR. If I play them, finish them, not worry about the trophies and then move on to the next game. There's usually two versions of how I play my games and those are the ways, depending on the game, of course. FPS games I usually don't worry about the online trophies because they require so much dedication and hours put in playing online. I personally believe these trophies should be not be part of the platinum acquirement because online is optional not necessary.

Holidays are almost here and my wish list is being constructed so my friends and family can at least help me out with purchasing certain games to add in my inventory. I hope to see more great games come out. Not only great but interesting, next year. There are already a few in my crosshairs that I want to play. But I love checking out new franchises and even risking buying games that I'm not familiar of. (ex: Bourne Conspiracy) I played that game without knowing too much about it but it just ended up being a simple fun game. Reminded me of Die Hard Trilogy on the PSOne.

Well have a great holiday friends! Enjoy your games both old and new! Let's get more life out of the PS3 before they even consider making a PS4. Just like Heath Ledger's death.. it's still too soon. :)

Love ya Heath. You're the Joker.

-Ongpower / GQAzndood

Recently read comments...BEWARE it's a vent entry...

Well I've been a part of the Gamespot community for sometime now and I have been really irritated by the lack of focus some reviewers have commented. I know that everyone is welcome to their own opinion about stuff and I'm not angry that you wrote it I'm just angry at reading it. haha if that makes sense then here's my opinion about the matter.

For example recently I've read some stuff about Rockband 3! Great more songs more people to play with more booze and more lines of coke. yeah minus the coke part. Anyway... one opinion I read on the comment section was how Rockband 3 wasn't pushing the next generation gaming into play. I guess he wants "motion controllers' implemented. Great that's cool. But think about that for a fuking second... Why does that bother me? If your so obsessed about motion controllers or finding a new way to enjoy Rockband learn to play a **** instrument. LOL. Sounds harsh doesn't it?

Nah. I'm not done. I think about how my ass grew up with NES, SNES, eventually upgraded to PSOne and then the mighty PS2. These took like 10+ years to evolve and to lead where we are at now. Hi def gaming. Musical controlelrs, NETPLAY! omg we didn't have that. Barely had it in SNES days. Remember Xband? ahha no? then google it! it'll amaze you.

So what I'm trying to say here is that. calm the **** down. everyone's always asking for the next big thing or the next great idea. Do you have a lot of money to blow? Do you pay bills? Does mommy and daddy pay for all your **** Then shut the **** up lol. I love this place. I love games. I spend at least over $1000 on games/accessories a year. I don't mind things slowing down and things taking longer to come out. Why do you think they made achievements and trophies? For fun? Don't think so. Did you think that 100,000 kill achievement on gears of war is fun? hell no that's hard work and they want you to play the game online so damn much that you can get a 100% on achievements on that game.

Yeah screw that noise. It's still a cool game. I don't mind it. But they do that so they can keep you distracted until the next project is done. Try not to get ansy on me guys I'm just venting, you should of read the topic LOL. But yeah what I'm saying take things for the way they are for now. I mean I'm still playing some PS2 stuff. Dude right now I'm playing Spartan Total Warrior. I don't know why but that game is **** fun. It's PS2 it's dated but yet its fun. I like slaughtering invading Romans. LOL. I guess the movie 300 rekindled my interest in the Roman/Greek battle gaming mood. Yeah. so that's it for now.

Thanks for reading. If you got something to say please say it. Call me a dick. haha it's why we have blogs so we can talk about it!


I'm Broke B!tch!

To begin my rave and rant about how busted broke I am, I would like to recite a poem for those who would care about the literal style of prose. As it's titled...

Game Library Good Empty Wallet Bad by James

I am a gamer.

My library is various.

It extents to almost every platform.

I love the story the fun the action the drama.

But yet it also fills me with sadness and remorse.

To see that my wallet is lacking.

Lacking in funds.

I love to game and play the titles of tomorrow.

As with the sequels of games of past.

But with 60 dollars a title it makes my wallet fast.

Depleted in the fundage the money of paying bills.

It sucks to spend the money when the games make me happy.

Games abound funding a lacking. I'm broke therefore I'm crying.

I love games. Ugh.

Well there ya have it. In short, there are too many great titles out right now and even titles that are up and coming that my money is already spoken for them. Ex. Starcraft II: Collector's Edition *drools* Anyway, as a console gamer I enjoy many types of games from RPGs to FPS and to platformers. I'm actually looking forward to Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands and I'm still kinda mad that they didn't really finish the Prince of Persia from 2008!! I downloaded the expansion and they still didn't end it there! Damn you UBISOFT! Bah! Anyway, I'm pretty sure a lot of you fellow gamers out there would agree that there are too many games out right now and not enough cash flowing in our pockets.

See you on the other side.



Region Free PS3 is cool with me!

I just wanted to state that I'm so stoked and I always forget that the PS3 is region free meaning that I can buy imported Japanese games from Japan and play them here in America. There are some pretty awesome games out in Japan that really don't require much translation due to the nature of the game. Like fighting games for some are pretty easy to figure out and plus you can get FAQs of them online! Thanks PS3 thanks Sony for expanding my video game library and forcing me to learn another language in order for me to play a game months earlier! Your expanding my horizons while shrinking my wallet! LOVE IT!


I was just wondering if anyone else thought it would be cool to bring back old school titles into the next gen consoles? I mean of course with new gameplay but as far as like production and story and just pure experience I think it would be wonderful to see classics SEGA, NES, or SNES titles on the next-gen consoles. For example, I wouldn't mind Metal Gear 1 for the NES to be redone even on just the PS2. I personally believe fans and more would love to re experience their nostalgic gaming memories! I mean if game designers are running out of great ideas for "new" video games this would be such a great idea and of course an easy "cash in" for them. Can you imagine a new Double Dragon or even a new Battle Toads? That would awesome!

Too Many Games Too Little Time

I'm a fan of gaming.  I love fighting games.  I love RPGS and I love games with great stories, and in addition to that I love MMORPGS.  I love gaming, but I lack time to game.  I go to school and I work full time.  When I'm not at those places I'm at home working on something important for school.  When I do have time to play its not for very long, and not only that, people complain that playing video games is the only thing I do on my free time!  WTF!!  Well today's responsible adults are having a hard time gaming.  No one can really sit back and play a good game anymore without hearing something about it.. neither good or bad.. just leave me and let the gaming begin!