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700th Post!!!

Yay i have reached my 700th post!:D

I have been away from GS for awhile. Im just really overwhelmed with stuff right now, like school, work and just life in general. So i will most likely not be on GS as much as i have been in the past. I will try to get on as often as i can, but i probably wont be coming on every day, maybe every other day or every couple days. Well atleast untill school is over, which will be in a couple of weeks, then i will most likely resume coming on GS more.


Car Accident

Yesterday at work, some guy riding a bike got hit by an old lady driving her car. It happened right infront of the store, but i work in the back so i didnt see anything, but apparently he flew up on her windshield and there was blood everywhere. The ambulance came and put him on a strectcher. By the time i was able to check it out, all the commotion was done, but i did see the bike and it was mangled. Also on sunday as i was driving over to my dads house another guy on a bike wiped out right infront of me, so me and a couple other people helped him off the road. I dont know how hurt he was but it looked like he hurt his wrist pretty bad. Also yesterday some guy tried to rob 2 banks in town. But at the first one they didnt give him any money, so when he went to the next one he asked for "some" money, so they only gave him a bit. A friend of mine saw a bunch of police and SWAT looking for the robber.

500th Post

I have just passed the 500th post mark!:D

I know its nothing special, but im excited about it. 


I just go hired by IGA, which is a grocery store. Im going to be working in the meat department. Im really looking forward to working at IGA because i know a lot of the people there and ive got some friends in the meat department aswell. Now that i finally have a job i will have a steady source of income and be able to save up for a 360 and get some more games. Im supposed to start next week, so hopefully i will get a lot of hours and wont take to long to get my 360.

Omg I hate School

I hate school so much right now. First yesterday in my calculus class my teach was b****ing at us, because we werent able to get some of the homework. Then he is making us write our test on thursday, even though he wont be there, so we will probably be stuck with some stupid supply teacher that doesnt know anything. Next in my chemistry class we had a test which no one was ready for. Firstly we werent ready because he had told us that he would give us back our quizes to study from for the test, but he wasnt there on friday to give them back, and the stupid supply teacher couldnt find them, so everyone thought that the test would be moved. Then everything on the test we didnt even cover in class. I would be willing to bet that over half the class fails the test and the rest to barely pass. I also have to present a seminar in that class on thursday, which i am really not ready for at all, still need to make a slideshow.

I do like my other classes like english, in which we do absolutely no work, we havent taken one note all year, we just read books, have discussions and watch movies, so that class is fun. Also my earth and space science class isnt too bad either. All we do in that class is take notes, but we also watch a lot of movies. We also go on a ton of field trips, like today we went on one. We went to a mine 2 hours out of the city and had a picnic ontop of a huge hill/mountain. Then next thursday and friday we go on another field trip to a science center in Sudbury(about 4hrs north of town), and we are going to be gone for 2 days which is really awesome, 2 days off school.:D

New Monitor

So the other day i was helping my sister move out of her house. As i was helping her i went down into the basement just to look around, and what do i see? I see a pretty much brand new monitor sitting over on the workbench. So i asked my sister whos monitor that was, and she said it was her roommates, but she didnt want it anymore. So i told her that i would take it and her roommate said that was fine, and gave it to me for free. So now ive got a new monitor, it isnt flat screen or anything, but its about 18" and works perfectly. I also found a catchers mitt and ball in the pantry which no one wanted so i took that too. So all in all it turned out to be worth it to help my sister move.

Bomb Threat At School

Yesterday at my school there was a bomb threat. Just after the start of 1st period, about 8:50am the cops showed up and our school went into lockdown. Usually everyone has to evacuate the school, but this time everyone had to stay in their classrooms until everything was clear. Their reasoning for keeping us locked in the classrooms was that if the bomb went off, the explosion would travel through the hallways. Me and my friends were outside at the time and we saw the police show up and didnt think anything of it because they are there almost everyday. Anyways we were forced to go back inside, which is stupid, and had to go to the library. There were already 100-200 people crammed in there. We were forced to stay in there and after nearly an hour they deemed the situation safe. I used to believe that my school was one of the safest schools in our city, but lately I have been thinking otherwise. Just last week our school was in lockdown again and the police were called in because some kid pointed a gun(which turned out to be fake) at the security cameras. Our school is always on the front page of the newspaper for these kinds of incidences. I do enjoy the excitment and time out of school but im just a little suprised that all of this is happening at my school.