Yup...You read right my Precious xbox 360 broke & now i must wait till i graduate to get another one. My PS3 and my Wii is doing fine but i dont play as much as my Xbox 360. My 360 has everything i want on it...Xbox Live,Graphics,Game-play,FRIENDS AND FAMILY! no consoles seem to beat that. in-case your wondering how my Xbox 360 broke its quite simple actually...its called
"The 3 Lights Of Death"
this means that ur Xbox 360 has been over-used and it cant take it anymore and decides to break on yah :(. its been 39 days since ive played my Xbox 360. The Wii in North America hasn't been given the Wi-Fi Support i need to go online wit it. and the online good game i has for the Wii is "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess", "Metal Slug Anthalogy", and "Wii Sports" now of course Ive beaten Metal Slug and Zelda... and face it Wii Sports is BORING without anyway companions to join wit you. So the Wii right about now is my Least Used System. Now of course my PS3 has everything it needs...A Controller Thats Six-Axis Motion Censored, Blue Tooth Headset to chat, 60G PS3 with built in wireless USb connector, 4 Freinds With a PS3, and yes The PS3 has Free live...uh i have a router and a modem and etc... and to top it off... RESISTANCE: FALL OF DUDES!!! Now theirs only one problem...MY DAMN DAD WONT LET ME MOVE THE ROUTER CLOSER TO THE PS3 SO IT CAN GET A CONNECTION BECAUSE MY CONNECTION SIGNAL IS ONLY 20% and it Needs to Be at-least 65% to sign up!!!!! SO YEA I'M REALLY Pee'ed OFF NOW AND I HAVE NOTHING TO DO!!!! wait a min what am i saying... I HAVE LOTS TO DO!!! i have like 15 friend's That live on my Block... i can go play with them...o wait i 4 got...I'M GROUNDED FROM GOING OUT SIDE for 2 Weeks!!!! so yea...this means...
Broken Xbox 360= No Live=no fun
messed up Dad That Wont Let ME Move The router To go Online Wit My PS3= well messed up parent
Wii Has No Online Yet= no Fun Wit the Wii
Grounded= No fun Outside my House and company...
ONLY THING LEFT IS MY PC!!!!= just a Matter time before i get bored of that!
This has Been an 0nline Gama...F _ _ _ _ d up Blog... :(
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