I've run into some trouble lately with one of my games that I purchased off of the well known online game distributor, Direct2Drive. Before I get into the issue, I will say that I've never had any issues with D2D's support and ordering games from them had been an easy and painless process. Purchase through secure Paypal, download as fast as my connection allows me to (which is a few hours), simple installation and activation and play. It was a good way for me to find and download games that I wanted to play....that is until I ran into trouble activating my game that I paid as much as a regular hard copy that could be found in-stores and with no need to activate through SecureRom or stuff like that.
ArmA is a unique Military SIM that I've been dieing to play lately.
Over the past year that I owned this digital download version of ArmA (as it's called, weird acronym for Armed Assault: Combat Operations, but whatever) I've made a few changes/upgrades to my PC. Some were minor like re-formatting to a different OS while others were major like upgrading to an SLi setup and finally, my latest CPU upgrade. Now, I can understand the need of an anti-piracy process like activating your game, tieing it with your hardware to make sure that your copy isn't spread around to all your buds, but there should be a quick and easy way to deal with activating your copy of the game that you purchased, after all this is supposed to be an equivelant to purchasing the game from the shelf right? Anyway, upon re-installing my copy of ArmA, it brought me to the Activation screen which follows the installation of the game. I click on Activate Online (the normal and easiest method of activating your game) and it proceeds to tell me "Activation Failed: Limit of Activations Exceeded: Contact Customer Support". Great, I tell myself, I forgot that I had used up the 3 different activations on 3 different systems, oh well, I'll just contact D2D's support and hopefully I can play tomorrow night. So I log-in to D2D's support page and open a ticket, explaining my situation and requesting a new activation code. I recieve an automated response within seconds telling me to look at some FAQ's concerning my issue and that a Support Agent would not get in contact with me unless I replied back with the Unlock Request Code (pulled from the Product Activation prompt). "Wow, I won't even receive actual support until after I go through all this? Oh well I guess they get tons of support tickets every day, I can understand" I thought, and filled out the Unlock Request Code before I went to bed.
This sort of frustration brings this scene from Office Space to mind.
Fast Forward 4 days. I still haven't received a single word or even another automated response concerning my issue. I've updated my support ticket with several pleas on receiving support over the past days, no word from D2D's Support at all. I look over the automated response... "We have received your request for a new key or activation and a support agent will respond within 24 hours to your request." is placed in the message as a reassurance that someone will get to me very soon, but I'm still waiting for some word about anything other than the first automated response. If Direct2Drive is going to offer digital copies of games that require Activation, then they should definitely make sure that their customers go through that process as easily as possible. I mean, people could very well go get a hard copy of the game (which I'm sure many still do to avoid these kind of problems) which would hurt their sales. Activating your game is necessary, I'm not complaining about that, but if there is a case in which you can't activate your legit copy of the game that you paid for, and the instructions that pop up say to go contact D2D customer support, then by all means D2D has the responsibility of taking care of the issue, and in the timely manner that they said they would. 24 hours is understandable. Heck, 2 days of waiting would be ok with me, but not updating the ticket or getting back to me after 4 days just brings the impression of "Screw you unless you're going to give us more money".
Yeah, yeah, I understand that issues like this never happen if you buy a hard copy of a game, but there is a market for downloadable content out there and the need for support on what you purchase and download should be at the same standards as purchasing a physical copy. Money is the same, no matter how you spend it, and if you're going to give your customers lousy support on products that are broke, faulty, or just have issues, people will stop putting up with you and go somewhere else, it's just the way it is. I'm not trying to tell people how to spend their money, this is just another warning from an unhappy customer of Direct2Drive's support service for their games. As far as me, I don't plan on purchasing anything else from these guys and will try and stick to games that don't require this kind of activation, and if they do at least I can have a telephone number to call and not rely on online-only support. Anyways, sorry about the rant, just needed to vent off some steam. I'll be sure to update you guys if and when I recieve support.
Back to retail stores for now, and no I've never played Fight Club for Xbox.
** 6 Days and counting, still waiting for support on my issue :(
** Finally received support 6 days after submitting my ticket, unfortunately now I can't even activate the game even though I have a new license for activation. The prompt just hangs after I click Activate. I re-submitted my ticket and I'm re-downloading the 2.8 GB setup file. Hopefully this mess will be cleared up by today...
** Resolved! The activation finally went through when I re-downloaded the game. If D2D support would have just responded sooner saying they needed more time, I would have happily waited. Unfortunately, I can't overlook how long it took just for them to respond and I don't plan on putting myself in the same situation again.
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