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#1 OnlookerDelay
Member since 2003 • 359 Posts

Does any one know if Tw14 will allow us to carryover our created player from TW12 or TW13? I'm tired of having to recreate my player and build him up every time.



You'll have to create a new player for Tiger '14.  The reason is the players are constructed differently enough each year that you have to start over, cosmetically.  You will get to carry over some XP from your TW 13 player though.  I don't know the amount, but last year it was 75,000 XP, which went a long way in building my new CAG.  Within a day and a half of play, I was where I wanted to be last year.   

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#2 OnlookerDelay
Member since 2003 • 359 Posts

I will get it, only because they claim it is more stableEMERlCa6969

According to Dean Takahashi (San Jose Mercury News), the Limited Edition "Elite" XBox 360 will not have the 65nm (more stable) processor.  That won't come until the Fall and Microsoft releases the white Elite. 

Here's the pertinant quote from his article about that:

"By the fall, the company will also implement a chip redesign, shifting from 90-nanometer production to 65 nanometer production. That will bring costs down fairly dramatically and will enable Microsoft to make the box in larger quantities by the fourth quarter."

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#3 OnlookerDelay
Member since 2003 • 359 Posts

Here's about as credible a story as I've read on the Elite thus far.  This comes from Dean Takahashi, writer for The Mercury News.  He authored a book called Opening the XBox, a while back.  He can't name a source, but he thinks this is for real.  He doesn't give a date or timeframe, but simply says "sometime soon".
Microsoft to Announce the XBox 360 Elite

Dean doesn't suggest that the Elite will have the 65nm processor, however.  He thinks Microsoft won't be tooled up to produce them until the Fall.  If that's the case, I'll hold off until I can get a the whole HDMI/120GB/65nm package this Fall.



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