Alien trilogy, the first Silent Hill, the Resident Evil remake, Bioshock, Deadspace and the Berseker moment in Gears 1 are probably my most scared/nervous/on the edge of your seat moment in a game ever. Unforgettable..
Heavenly Swords is by far the worst game I have played on PS3. Wasn't keen on Transformers, GT Prologue, MGS4, Resistance or GTA4 for that matter. Not yet found a game that rocks my boat on PS3. Well, if I have to be honest I only play Buzz Quiz TV, and Motorstorm and I am very much looking forward to Wipeout & Final Fantasy XIII. Don't hate me guys, I own all current systems, and found more engaging games on 360 than PS3. I am really hoping Sony get their things together and bring more exclusives soon, I have faith in PS3, it is a great machine but we're seriously lacking games.
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