Ookami05's forum posts
Mario and Luigi - PoT
Sonic Advance 1-3
DK: King of Swing
Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones
Advance Wars
FF Tactics Advance
Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones
Sword of Mana was a solid game, it was just confusing at times.
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
1) Earthbound/Mother - new title, ported title, any title will do!
2) More turn-based RTS games like Advance Wars and Age of Kings
3) A 3-D version of FF VI
4) Super Mario RPG DS
5) The Shonen Jump All-Stars game (except in English)
Absolute worst: World Series of Poker for DS
Paid $5 for it thinking "how can you mess up a poker game?" only to find this game horribly broken in all conceivable ways.
Graphics were worse than any GBC game, the rounds took about 5 minutes for each player to play their cards, and every oppenent (all five of them) had a horrendesly annoying phrase they would say everytime they played their cards.
Lunar Dragon Song
Sadly this game is the black sheep of the franchise. Most of the quests are repetivie fetch quests (go bring me 5 iron, 8 acorns, and 12 tree bark) which is bad in two ways. 1) The drop rate for quest items is horrendous, only about 1/15 enemies will drop a needed item. 2) You have to choose between items and exp, you can't get both in the same battle. The battle rounds take too long and your charachters die ... A LOT.
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