Opel_360's forum posts
Well I was reading the review for Mario Cart DS and the bad was hanging at McDonalds to play..I was wondering do you HAVE to ? I mean I played Pokemon Pearl without going toMcDonalds I have wireless so I would be thankfull if someone could answer the question: if I have wireless can I play at my house ?
PS:I know this is a old game but I got my DS 2 mounths ago lol
Can you play with random people? or just friends and do you have the FC stuff ?
I play Pokemon (Pearl)
Friend Code:1633 2407 4154
Can someone please help me ? I got pokemon pearl and finished the game now I need the national dex can someone tell me where to get these
Number 46,53,65,80,102,114,115
Thats it and my friend code is 1633 2407 4154 add me lol
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