I am one of the few that get excited for the Oscars. I even make picks for a few of the awards. I'll go as far as pick a film that i believe should win even if I didn't see the film. Last year I did just that with The King's Speech. I did not see it, but I did want it to win the Best Picture Oscar. I did not The Social Network to win, so much that I have yet to watch that fantastically talked about film.
So why am I talking about the Oscars now, when the show is not till late February, early March? Well now is the time for the films that want to be up for the Best Picture or Lead/Support awards come in full force. That is not to say that a film that came out after the deadline could not be considered, it's just not going to be fresh in the voters mind. Well there are plenty of films that are coming out that should fill up most of the nominations.
Drive: A stunt driver by day turns into a get-away driver in-between takes. Going to be better then any of the Fast and Furious sequels.
Moneyball: General Manager of the A's hires a computer wiz and they in turn change baseball.(One of the films I really want to see).
J. Edgar: Clint Eastwood directs the biopic on the first head of the FBI.
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy: Gary Oldmen is looking for a mole in MI:6. That mole could be Colin Firth, Tom Hardy, or anyone else in the cast.
The Artist: A black and white film that shows how some actors and actresses could not handle the change from silent to talkies.
The Ides of March: A political drama where an assistant finds out more information then needed and faces a problem.(I didn't make that sound as good as it real should be).
The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo: A hacker and a reporter team up to take down some conspiracy. With a relatively unknown actress in the lead female role and Daniel Craig in the lead male role. The trailer looked great and hopefully the film will too.
There are more films that are coming out that could be added to the list but there are more then I could find. One thing I have to agree with the awards is the lowering of the number of Best Picture nominies back to 5. 10 was too much and films that got on there did not necessarily need to be on there. District 9 while I enjoyed it, it was not the Best Picture of the year or even in the top 3. Then there was the talk about Pixar winning the award, I would have loved for them to have won it. But they win the best animated award almost every year. Cars 2 is a different case so I won't get on that subject. Still 5 is a great number and it will help cut on the time of the show.