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Diagnosis of a great video game story line

This day in history 74 years ago a small group of high school students took to the hills to define their town for a foreign enemy. We honor them by watching the film about that.

the channel starts up the film "Red Dawn"

30 mins. in the news comes on with a breaking story.

The Russian Army is attacking the country. They are over I-95 on the east coast and I-1 on the west coast.

Now I know that Homefront is about the US being attacked by an invading army. I know Red Dawn is not that great of a film what with all the jokes about the group's name Wolverines. But the story is one that can hook you in and keep you glued to the tv, if it is written well. But what makes a story line amazing? What games have great story lines that just could not have been told any better?

Well I'm going to start with the name of the games then explain why I believe they have great story lines. First there is Halo:Combat Evolved. The lone wolf story is amazingly handled with the character of Master Chef. When the Flood is introduced in the helmet camera video you get a scary moment that is out of a sci-fi film like The Thing or Alien. Also the built up to the ending of the game is amazing. You get so wrapped up in the mission to destroy the Halo ring that you never knew how you felt about the other characters till its too late. I got so upset seeing Keys incased in the flood organism that I just wanted to take down the whole thing with me hands and gun.

The next game is Metal Gear Solid the series. What a story line that just can't let you get ahead of it at anytime till the end. No game that I know of has ever made me think one thing just to have me question it ten mins. later. A moment that can be a great example of this is the end of the credits of MGS3. Ocelot gets a call and tells one person that everything has gone to plan, then he calls someone and tells them that he just told the first person what they wanted to hear and then he tells a third person something about the other two. Who is he really working for? What country/agency/government?

Now on to the bad guy turned good. Red Dead Redemption is a great example of this. You start off as the guy left for dead and then as the game progresses you learn about his past. Now by the end you have to decide how you really feel about him. Do you side with his story of change or do you keep the fact that he was a bad guy in the back of your head and decide to hate him? I have to go with the side of change. He is being used by the newly formed FBI and his family is taken away from him and held till he finishes the task they make him undertake. In the end if you side this way (or even if you don't) you should feel that the west being taken over and the indians being made to live on reservations is a terrible thing and that life may have been different if the west was not changed so fast.

Next is the single/group rpg story line. I believe Fallout 3 and Mass Effect 2 are the best for this. Fallout lets you craft a story that is yours and only yours. The open world hides much and if you go looking for it, you may end up with one great memory. Mass Effect 2 makes the group feel like a unit. If anyone dies you will feel that lose in the end. If you play it right then no one in the main group should die, if not then who knows who will not be back on the ship at the end.

Last is the FPS story lines. Bioshock has a great story line with the blending of Art Deco Utopia and the mid 1900's. The whole story surrounding your character is full of mystery and has one great twist that will shock you. It did me and some of my friends.
Next is the Call of Duty:Modern Warfare story line. Full of action that places you into situations that you feel if you fail the game world is over. You can get wrapped up in the games. By the end of 2 you don't know how to feel about the story in what is told. The story is great, amazing and well voiced.

So if more games were written like these games, more people would be looking into what is going on when someone tells them about a game they just played. A great story line game effect a game just as much as anything else. I believe if the story is weak the game is not going to hold my interest.