I as a gamer have kept every game I have, meaning I have never traded in a game for a different game. Yes, I have traded games with a friend for a few weeks of at most 2 months. But I have never gone into a EB Games which are now Gamestop to trade is a game. I just have this weird feeling that in a few weeks or months I'm going to want to play that game and not having it would be frustrating. Also I have had to go to a store and replace a game for different reasons, such as the disk was scratched in the case before I paid for it, or some other reason that I had no control over. But I would always get the same game. Does this make me a minority in the gaming world? I hope not, I would not like to be the only one that feels that a great game should be experienced multiple times.
I have a friend that would trade in between 1-4 games in a 2 week period ever few months. Most of the games were games that get a new one in a series like Madden or MLB or whatever sports game you enjoy. He did this to get money to place on a new game that he would eventually trade in. I also didn't think it was worth the money that they would give you for a game. Last time I looked a game was not a car and loses value once it is taken out of the store. Do games what a speedometer on them that the store can tell how much it was used? What if it's a game that the person didn't want but was given as a gift and tried it out, didn't like it, and in the same week it was released trades it in? What is the game worth then? I can see the value drop if the game has been out for a year or more. That also reminds me, what is up with the price of a game not going down once the game hits the one year mark? I don't think a game should be $60 for over a year. I want the price to go down after awhile, or once the next game in the series is out drop the price then too.
Now for a different reason that falls in the realm of grounds for divorce. Games coming out with a film or being made into a film. If the film does a decent amount in the box office the studio gets it into their heads that they should make more. Bloodrayne was not good from what I heard, and the Resident Evil films have been slowly going down hill. Uwe Boll just stinks at directing and he is the reason his video game films fail. But games that are made to come out with a film suffer because they are not up to what the company could do, because they are rushed to get the game done for the release date of the film. Games like Transformers or Pirates of the Caribbean do not need to be made. They will not make much money, so stop it.
In other news, Pride & Prejudices and Zombies now has a director. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is still in the books to be made. So if you have read of seen Pride & Prejudice then the new film will be terrible unless they somehow get an amazing cast or something happens.
Song of the Day: "Grounds for Divorce" - Elbow(see Left 4 Dead commercial)