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Massive Game History Review

This is going to be a long review of my personal gaming history. I know I have given some insight into it at brief entries. But I have come to read and leave comments on people's blog entries and have had a feeling that I can be myself on here. So I would share personal stories like trips and other stories from my past. I enjoy being a member of the Gamespot site and getting to connect with different gamers that cover a wide array of game-play and lifestyles. So here for my 100th entry is my gaming history as best as I can remember it. Those first few years are a little foggy but I think I got most of them cleared up.

So let us start back in the late 80s. Yea that's right I said the 80s. I'm older then most and younger then a few. Anyway, my first console was the NES with a copy of Super Mario Bros. / Duckhunt. Mario was the fun family gather game and Duckhunt was the competitive game between my sister and I. She was better at the clay shooting and I was better at the duck hunting. Then came the golden copy of The Legend of Zelda. Boy that game was a big step in my life. The first game that I was able to say I finished then got shot down when it said about getting passed the second world. Also had this time I was playing my friends copy of Pitfall and other Atrai games, along with Tecmo Super Bowl. The first football game I got my hands on. Then I was hooked on Bubble Bobble. The cute dinos were the really draw for me.

Then the years moved on and out came the SNES. Also a copy of the new Mario game. Having played Super Mario Bros 1-3, I had a good idea of the style. The graphics were better and the music was cleaner and fuller. Along with Mario was Starfox, were I had some small arguments over the gender of Fox and the pink cravat. Still a great game that helped fill much free time. Then I got a Kirby game with 8 different game types. A great two player game and maybe a great party game, but never had enough people into the game. This was the same time of Battle Clash and that Super Scope. Yea that was an item I still have. My sister and I were big into a small RPG called Earthbound. So much that we just had to keep renting it, till we received it as a Christmas gift.

As the years moved on at a slow tempo the family got a pc. Then there was a flow of games. Most were Sim City or horror games that my sister was into. But it was not until the shareware release of Doom that I got sucked into the pc. Then Doom moved into Wolfenstein 3D, which I know is older, just a co-worker of my dads recommended Doom first. Not sure what he was thinking, that a kid my age should be playing that game, but okay. Then a computer or 2 and there was the Unreal Tournament games, the Dark Forces. I still love the Dark Forces games. Then a few of my friends were able to talk me into a game called Starcraft. I played Warcraft as few times, but it was nothing like Starcraft. I still play Starcraft and Diablo, will Diablo 2 but still that's a long time to be playing a game.

Then there was the release of the PS1, or the Playstation at the time. With that console came the Crash Bandacoot games. They were enjoyable to a point then I enjoyment would wane. I also had Tomb Raider, which is still better then the films. It was also the first time I played a Need for Speed game and was able to run from and into the cops. My first run into the huge world of Final Fantasy was with Final Fantasy 7, and my first horror game was Resident Evil 2. Which I somehow lost.

After that there was the birthday gift of a PS2 and WWF Smackdown. I wanted for the gaming, my family wanted it for the DVD player. So a win-win all around. This lead to Splinter Cell, a game that I really miss playing. It also got me into Grand Theft Auto series heavily with GTA3. Which would move to Vice City and San Andreas. This was also the time for one of the best horror survival games released in years with Resident Evil 4. There was my stay in the twisted world of Metal Gear Soild 2 and 3 which I can't wait to finish with a PS3 and a copy of MGS4. I have played Medal of Honor games before,but Frontline was that one that hit me more them the others. This was the first system that I got to pretend to play the guitar with Guitar Hero.

Then came the Xbox and Halo. Halo was the first game that kicked me into a split between Playstation and Microsoft. Then there was Lego Star Wars and the cute, funny moments in both games. It was also the return for me into the world that is Doom, with Doom 3 and the lack of a gun with a flashlight attachment. But it was not till Fable that I was really sold on the Xbox. That was a game that I enjoyed immensely.

Finally there was the Xbox 360. Which was stared off with Gears of War. Then Halo 2 and 3 were released and each were played and finished in a personal best 2 days. It was also the first time I got to play Half-Life 2 and that amazing Portal game. Then I got to college and it came for the journey. While there it was introduced to Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 1 and 2. On a break it was given Batman: Arkham Asylum. The best batman game in years. A different break saw Dead Rising come to the front and all that was connected to a certain film that was not the bases of the game. Then back at college there was Bioshock and that was not giving up the 360 without a fight. Slowly I got into Elder Scrolls: Oblivion but faster into Fallout 3. By the end of my time at college there was Red Dead Revolver and 2 Left 4 Dead games. Also Mass Effect was given some time till Mass Effect 2 came out and took hold. Also there was the release of Fable 2 and Fable 3 with have the pleasure of being enjoyable but 2 is still a stronger game to me.

So that was a hopefully brief overview of my gaming history. I know that the games are not in release order, but that's okay. That is not all the games I own, just the ones that had a big impact in my life. Like Portal was the first game that made me feel overly smart for figuring out the puzzles. RDR made me feel like Clint Eastwood, and Left 4 Dead gave me the best zombie apocalypse sensation so far. If I could work in the gaming industry that would be amazing, more of the marketing campaigns is what I would like to do, but just being able to enjoy such great, amazing games is good enough. I have gotten to connect with personal friends more, meet some over Xbox live and read about other gamers experiences in gaming through you all and Gamespot. So thanks for all the stories, comments, and connections.