So my girlfriend came down to visit while my parents were on a vacation. The one day we walked around the stores one the main street in a city I live near. We spent about 2.5 hours walking around and found some amazing small stores and some odd stores that didn't really work for us.
But we did stop in a comic book/collectibles store. Well being that NYCC is so arriving, we decided to walk in and look around. Maybe find something to get signed or just something to collect or read and enjoy. Well she picked up The Guild small novel, two The Guild comics, and Dr. Horrible. I picked up the first two Sin City novels, one to get signed hopefully, and two I wanted to read them before the film was released, but never found them individually. My girlfriend also picked up The Walking Dead Book One for me. I hope to get it signed by Robert Kirkman.
After lunch we headed to Target. Where I picked up Season One of Archer. Yes I still watch cartoons in some form. I don't like every episode but I do find many of them to be extremely hilarious. I also got a surprise, which was that my girlfriend will be paying the $75 to get me a photo with Mark Hamil. Not sure on the price for an autograph, but a photo is just better proof that I met the man.
No real gaming news. Still plugging away at what is on my plate. Looking forward to the new releases that will be fighting over my(and your) money for the holiday time and winter days stuck inside.
Thanks to everyone that commented with ideas in my last blog. It really helped and gave me some new ideas and ways to look for entrys.