Do you remember your first stroll into the realm of RPGs. Well my sister just reminded me of an RPG that we both played years ago. Earthbound was (i believe) my first stroll into the RPG genre of gaming. It may not sound like the best game to start with, but I didn't have any friends that played Final Fantasy yet, or any other RPGs at the time. So Earthbound was found by us at the local movie rental store, remember those places? So we rented it and got hooked right away. The third time we tried to rent the game was around Nov. and our dad stopped us. Well we know what that meant. We were getting a copy of the game. So that Christmas we opened the game and after the other festive things were over, we started up the game.
I years later hooked up the SNES and put the game in. After the opening cinematic I remembered most of what i needed to do in the first stage. With the book to refer to if need I got to the ending of the game in I think a 2 months, school and all that other social life took up some time. But that was the game that lead to me getting in to RPGs. I have played Final Fantasy games, I enjoy 7 the most but have played others. Now I am into what could be called a FPRPG. Oblivion and Fallout 3 are the new addition to my gaming life. Looking forward to New Vegas and the next Elder Scrolls game.
Earthbound may not have been the best game out but it was one of the few games that my sister and I both played. The story was not as epic as they are now, but that was not the important part, the enjoyment factor was right up there with the great games. The controls were simple, the story easy to follow, the gameplay increased at a good pace, the graphics were what they were of the SNES. Plus the game at what was a cover of the Blues Brothers Band in the game that helped you out later on.
So if you still have an older system and a game that you loved years ago, plug in the system and put the game in and life the excitement over again.