Have you ever played a game and enjoyed it, but never cared for the playable character(s)? From time to time I believe a gamer, for the use of this blog, will go through many different phases. I have and know that I will in the future. So what is a gamer going to do? Well we should not force the change into the new phase, or speed through it, or even let in linger on too long, What we should do is let it come in time and let it move at its own pace. I know that sound weird to give a non-physical entity an form or what could be a physical form. So what are some indicators of this trend.
Lack of connection with playable character(s). Some game will lack that personal connection, as most games are a third-person view and that does make it harder to have a personal steak in the outcome of the character. Still if you feel a lack of connection, try to turn you views to that of the character. For example I will use John Marston. He is a newly reformed gunslinger, being forced by the government to be a bounty hunter. He is a believer in the live style of the west and not of the east. He wants nothing more then to live his life with his wife and son in peace. If you take on his view of the world then you may enjoy the game and have more steak in what happens. The views I went with was the destruction of the wild west and the handling of native Americans. If that is not a way for you to get through the change in phase.
Then try a move to multi-player or if your in multi-player a change to the signle-player. Getting away from the first form of game play you started with may change your excitement level. I start playing most FPS games by the single campaign. I go through the single campaign to get use to the controls and look of the game. I know that this will not make me any better at multi-player, but if I started right in on a online game I would feel uneasy. This may help keep you interested in a game longer and not trading it in right away.
If that does not feel like your cup of tea, then try a new genera. A new genera will give you a new experience. If your into FPS a good RGP in Skyrim may be a good call. It still gives you FPS look but it gives you more opinions then a gun. Or if your into an Action/Adventure you may want to try an MMO. It gives you action and is always an adventure. If you have a need to change for any style to horror then be warned that if you are not a horror film fan, this may be a weary and long road for you.
The last thing you could do is a walk away for the game(s). Not stop playing altogether, just pick up a different game from your collection that you haven't played in a long time and start a new game. Then when you have the urge to play the first game you will enjoy it. You'll find new things that you didn't see before or experience something a totally new way or even for the first time, depenting on the game your playing. But a walk away is tough to do. You may love the game, and think that if you walk away from it for awhile that you'll forget about it. You may for a short time, but that urge will come back.
I have the urge to play games at different times. I get into a FPS mood around veterens/memorial day, in a way of honor for my grandfather. One memorial day I got into a mood that made me buy Band of Brothers. Anyway, I have mood changes for different games all the time. I may sit a game down for 6 months but I know I'll pick it up again. As for the horror games, I for one am easeing my way into the genera. I started with Resident Evil 2 and 4. Then moved to 5 which is not that scary so you may want to start with that one, but 4 is the better of the two. Now I am on Dead Space. Boy did that game get to me. So if you have ever felt like this its normal. Hopefully this helped, I have no real experience in knowing what really happens in a human mind, I just know what I think and feel while I play games.