5) Skyfall: First real sign of Moneypennyother then a line always good. The casting of Ralph Fiennes and Javier Bardem most likely as the villains great. The addition of Q is hopefully better then I think it will be. The only downside is the name. Why Skyfell? Is chicken little going to run on screen claiming the sky is falling? Still I hope they make it better the Quantum of Soloace.
4) The Hunger Games: Never read the books, but my girlfriend as and she loved them. The trailers look great and the cast seems to work great for their roles. Woody Harrelson is getting better roles since Zombieland was a hit. The pilot sounds like a great set up for the film and the 2 sequels that will happen if the film makes the money it is hoping to make.
3) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey: Loved the book. Could not wait for this film. The cast is looking great. Martin Freeman is a great actor that I can't wait to see portray a younger Bilbo. What I can't wait for more is the second film to see the 5 Army War near the end of the book. I expect this to do as well as Lord of the Rings if not better.
2) Brave: Way to go Pixar. A new original idea that is not based on anything you have done before. I love the story and the fact that it is a female in the lead is great for them. It doesn't hurt that the girl has red hair. Also the three little bears in the trailer are so adorable that I want one. Go see this film when it hit theaters.
1) The Dark Knight Rises: This is the last one for Nolan and Bale. Not going to be the last Batman film ever, just the last great film for awhile. The addition of Tom Hardy as Bane and Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle look to impress everyone. The teaser trailer did just that with the shot of Gordon in a hospital bed and that strange chanting. The second trailer showed more of the film and the first time Selina and Bane talk. And I must say Bane looks badass so far. This film may just be better the The Dark Knight.
Honorable Mention: Lock-Out: Stars Guy Pearce as a Snake Pliskin-esq character. Sent on a mission to rescue the presidents daughter from a prison in space being overrun by the prisoners. THe trailer looks great, but that is just the trailer.
Also MIB3. The cast is looking good with Brolin and a younger Agent K and the addition of Emma Thompson and Bill Hader. The trailer is kind of messy and unclear as to the plot of the film, but I think Agent J as to go back in time to find out what happen to young Agent K(Brolin) and what older Agent K(Jones) did and is not telling him. Hope it is better then the second film and more like the first.