#64: Persepolis: a great French animation film. Beautiful to look at and not hard to read with subtitles. A great story that spans the life of a women as she comes into her 20s. Also a great book series I have been told.
#63: Apocalypse Now: This film could have been higher on the list if it wasn't for the different versions all of which add more then 30 mins to the film. I have heard of a 9hr version not sure about it. But it is a great story with an amazing cast and beautiful sets that are completely creepy.
#62: Lock, Stock and 2 Smokin' Barrels: The opening to this film is great with the song Hundred Mile High City. The multi story line works great and gives off tons of humorous moments. A great film debut for Guy Richie and the cast(first time I have seen most of them).
#61: Pan's Labyrinth: What a story and what imagination with sets and costums. The setting for the story is great and the acting is incredible. I never though I would like a foreign film about a fantasy world so much.
#60: Star Trek 2/4: Both have incredible stories and amazing acting. Both hit on different culture points in creative ways. I saw the forth movie first then the second film later. Both have great moments that make each film great.