So with March comes St. Patrick's Day. A fun day of drinking and not caring what happens. Then there comes my birthday. Sorry for the lack of info about it, I just was busy with interviews for jobs that I didn't have the energy to write about it. In the end it was a relaxing day. Got a a few gift cards, one to Barnes & Noble and another to Best Buy. Barnes and Noble is going to go to either a graphic novel, the next Odd Thomas book, or a book on Maya. The Best Buy card is a little harder to decide. It is for $50 and that could get a few things, depending on how i divide it up.
On the list are some games that I have on a backlog that I want to play at some time in the future. Which includes Assassin's Creed 2/Brotherhood, a baseball game(not sure which one thou), Rage, Borderlands, and Alan Wake just ot name a few. As for movies, well that list is too long for here. But there also is getting a new graphics card, so I can play Diablo 3 when I download it. Not sure what graphics card is good and not over $90. Any suggestions? And does anyone know how to open the side of a MacPro tower? I couldn't find anything on apple or search.