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What to watch?

I have a problem. I am not sure what film I would want to watch next. Right now on HBO OnDemand I'm watching True Blood season 2, which I have seen when it aired, but I want to pick one of the films to watch. Now this sat. is the start of Get Him to the Greek. I saw this film at college, and I did enjoy it. It wasn't Forgetting Sarah Marshall, but it had some funny moments. So I don't know if I feel up to sitting through it again right now.

There is Scott Pilgrim vs The World. This film looks promising, but I think Michael Cere needs to stop being the lovable loser / on that gets the girl. He needs to right out for different roles. Anyway, that doesn't effect if I watch the film or not. I just don't know that much about the film other then Scott is dating a girl who as 7 evil exes. All of them are different and range from big name people to not so much. The music sounds good and the effects of the fights look great. But I just don't know how I would feel after it.

On Encore there is Capitalism: A Love Story. I like Michael Moore, I own Bowling for Columbine and watch it ever once in awhile. I did watch Fahrenheit 9/11(good but not great) and Sicko(which I also enjoyed). So do I want to see what the economic collapses was all about or no feel so down about the country?

Or I could watch one of my dvds. Which there are is The Rocker which I got as a gift from my aunt and uncle and I have not watched yet or I could finally watch all of Braveheart, which I hate that I have not seen the whole film of, but the end, and the same few scenes that I keep catching on tv.

So what should I watch when I have some down time in the next few days?