Wow, been awhile since I blogged. Here are my Game of the Year picks:
*Note, I haven't played any new PC games this year that's why none are nominated.*
Special Achievements:
Best Graphics: Nominees:
Bioshock, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Call of Duty 4.
The Winner Is:
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Why: Even though I like Bioshock's art more, IMO Uncharted is the best looking console game ever. It just looks amazing with all the color and great animations when Nathan Drake is dodging bullets and taking cover.
Best Story: Nominees:
Bioshock, Mass Effect, Eternal Sonata, Assassin's Creed.
The Winner Is:
Why: Not only is the story amazing but the way it's told is awesome. The game really draws you in with the atmosphere and Mystery. Also the audio dairies are excellent for telling a story without interrupting the gameplay.
Best Voice Acting:
Mass Effect, Bioshock, Assassin's Creed.
The Winner Is:
Mass Effect
Why: I never thought anything could be better then Bioshock's voice acting, Mass Effect proved me wrong. The voice acting is great, Paragon or Renegade.
Best Original Soundtrack:
Assassin's Creed, The Orange Box, Bioshock, Eternal Sonata, Mass Effect.
The Winner Is:
Bioshock, Eternal Sonata.
Why: God so much awesome soundtracks! I was so close to picking The Orange Box for the Portal song! I really couldn't pick just one: Bioshock's remix is so creepy but Eternal Sonata's music is just so beautiful.
Funniest Game:
The Winner Is:
The Orange Box
Why: Portal is IMO the funniest game ever made. The Cake is a lie! Also "Still Alive" is an awesome song.
Most Innovative / Original Game:
Assassin's Creed, Rock Band, The Orange Box, Bioshock.
The Winner Is:
Rock Band
Why: The use of toy mics, guitars and drums to give people the feeling that they are in a band is crazy. It's just amazing that it works so well! The game is just so original.
Best Local Multiplayer Game:
The Winner Is:
Rock Band
Why: Above comment ^
Best Online Multiplayer Game:
Halo 3, The Orange Box, Call of Duty 4.
The Winner Is:
Call of Duty 4
Why: Unlocking new perks and guns is so addictive, It gives you something to strive for as well.
Genre Awards:
*I skipped the obvious ones like "Best music game": (Rock Band of coarse)
Action / Adventure:
Assassin's Creed, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Naruto: Rise of a Ninja.
The Winner Is:
Assassin's Creed
Why: Killing Templars is great fun even though it gets a little repetitive.
Best Shooter:
Call of Duty 4, Bioshock, The Orange Box, Halo 3.
The Winner Is:
Call of Duty 4
Best Platformer:
The Winner Is:
Super Mario Galaxy
Why: The platforming is refreshing, the controls are excellent. Best Mario Game yet.
Best Puzzle Game:
The Winner Is:
The Orange Box
Why: Portal is just original and it appeals to people that don't play a lot of puzzle games but love shooters, Like me.
Best RPG:
Mass Effect, Eternal Sonata, Oblivion (Expansion).
The Winner Is: Mass Effect
Why: Great Sci-Fi story, fantastic voice acting and cool dialog wheel.
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