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Bioshock vs. Halo 3

This is my first blog so go easy :)

Both of these games are two of the best games ever made,in my opinion. But which is better? As soon as Halo 3 was released I heard alot of people on the forums saying things like "Halo 3's way better then Bioshock". I had a revelation today. After playing Bungie's shooter that set the standard for all others, for like a week straight. I decided to play 2K's "genetically-enhanced shooter", for some achievements I missed. Then I recognized how awesome Bioshock really is. The dialog and voice acting are so superb! And the story is genius! To me, Bioshock is more then just a game. It's a work of art, an interactive mosaic of colorful characters and a sinister story. 2K truly took it to a whole new level. This is what next gen is all about. So which is better? Well the answer is simple; both. If you prefer Halo to Bioshock thats fine with me. But don't underrate Boishock just cause it doesn't set the standard for normal FPS'sor have a 500 million dollarmarketing champaign. It doesn't need to, because for me it has not only set the standard for next gen games, it's raised the bar completely. I feel Bioshock is really all about the story. Bioshock sucked me in with it's story, caused me to feel; fear, anger, sadness, peity and happiness. Don't get me wrong gameplay is important, sure it's fun to shoot some flood, collect some power ups, jump on some koopasor save some princesses. But in my opinion games, if used right can be the best form of media to tell a story and Bioshockproves it.

Just keep in mind this is just myopinion.

And By the way I love normal FPS's andHalo 3 is awesome, It just saddens me thatalot of games are overshadowed by it.