I'm sad. Assassin's Creed, Super Mario Galaxy, Kane & Lynch, Uncharted, Call of Duty 4, Umbrella Chronicles. They all came out today (expect Call of Duty, which came out last week). And I still don't have either one! Let me explain...
I live in a very small town in northern Canada, all we have here is a Walmart and a RadioShack to buy games at. Radioshack charges like $80 per game, so that's auto fail. Walmart is usually pretty good, They get their freight in every Tuesday. So today I was pumped! I couldn't wait to go up to Walmart and blow a bunch of money on games! However to my misfortune nothing was there. I've never been so disappointed since I played Red Steel. I love games! I eat, sleep, game. sometimes a even skip the other two and just game. So I was very sad. I hope they have them in soon. Now the waiting I can deal with (kinda). This next thing not so much.
I can only choose one! Out of those six, eight if you count Mass Effect and Rock Band coming out next week! So as you can imagine I have to make Ihard decision. I've narrowed it down to Assassin's Creed. I'm going with Assassin's Creed. Such a hard decision, here are my reasons. Number one: it's out before Mass Effect and Rock Band. Number two, I already bought the pre-sell kit for it so I get ten dollars off. Number three It's shorter then Mass Effect, I won't have much time to play cause of school. So as you can tell Iam really excited about Assassin's Creed. Anyway not much happened this week, just me being disappointed but all was not bad! I got Guitar Hero 3... so heres a mini review of it:
Guitar Hero 3 is good. Not as good as Guitar Hero 1 or 2. However it's still fun. Basically Neversoft took Guitar Hero and whored it out to everything they could find. From the Pontiac Stage to the Axe body spray guitars and shirts, it's a in-game ad fest. It doesn't bother me to much but it really gives me the impression that they only cared about the money. (I'm a video games are art hippie)
I really got the feeling they didn't put much effort into it. Mainly because oftwo things. Number one: onlyabout 70% of the songs are fun to play. Alot just feel oddly made and theres alot of feeling it was put together without to much effort. I know, I'm being a bit harsh but Harmonix felt so strongly about their new concept. Now it just seems like "People buy Guitar Hero, let's make Guitar Hero". Number two: The only majornew additionis Battle Mode. Let's just say it's great but I wish they spent as much time on it as they did whoring the Guitar Hero name out. I wish they spent more time on the Battle Mode because it's a great concept. Also why did they bother to make brand new songs for Career battles if you can't play them against your friends in the online/offline battle mode?
Enough of the negative. It keeps the same awesome Guitar Hero format. It has the best Guitar Hero soundtrack yet! The best Guitar controller yet! Alsothe multiplayer and Battle Mode are pretty cool. All in all if you like Guitar Hero you'll like this one. Buy it if you want some newGuitar Hero songs to play. I give it a 7.5 out of ten. Time to wrap it up. I'll try and post a new blog every Sunday. I hope I'll have some Assassin's Creed impressions / review. I promise NO SPOILERS!
~Happy Gaming~