Wow, its been awhile since I wrote in here. I meant to write my thoughts pre-E3... kinda late for that though. So here's my after thoughts.
Nintendo.... why? You had some cool stuff on show, but what we really wanted to see was what made the Revolution so revolutionary. Instead, you showed us a box. For all we know, that could have just been an outer case with nothing inside. For shame Nintendo, for shame.
Luckily, what you did show of current generation stuff was really cool. I don't think anyone can deny that the Nintendo DS's lineup completly owned the PSP's. I own both systems, so I'm not biased either way... DS just rocked this year. And I must say, its about time. The DS has so much potential, and it looks like people are finally going to use it.
Metroid Prime Hunters in particular looked great. What was shown during the GameSpot Live demonstration looked much more like a true, complete game thatn Prime Hunters: First Hunt did, which is great. My friends and I have already had lots of fun goofing off with First Hunt, but the complete game looks like we could be playing for hours on end.
Enough about Nintendo, how about Xbox 360? The system looked pretty cool, and I was especially interested in the 360 version of Final Fantsy XI (my MMORPG of choice). Ghost Recon 3 also looked excellent. The only real issue I'm having right now is that the videos didn't look drastically more realistic then current gen games. A lot more enemies on screen though...
Sony, I really want to believe you but I just can't. After the load of crap you told us when PS2 was unveiled (you know, the whole "our system will make games that make Toy Story look like crap" stuff), its just hard to believe anything you say. I sure hope what you showed is true though, because Killzone 2 looked incredible!
Will, I guess that's all there is to say for now. Now we just have to wait another year to do this all over again.