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Terminator: The Sarah Conner chronicles

So the first two episodes have premiered and I have to say I like it. The Special effects are good despite being on a TV budget, the characters could be better but since it just started I'm going to give it time to work things out, espescially the things that seem to work differently now.


So we're a few episodes in now, and I am still enjoying it. The characters are all great and interact well. I love the stories so far even with the changes to vampire mythology. I will be watching.

Holy crap

I haven't posted to this thing in almost two years. I keep forgetting I have it.

Anyway I saw the new show Moonlight friday night and I have to say I enjoyed it. They changed around the vampire's abilities and weaknesses, probably so they could have more time to film and hae the vampires be more of a secret.

The script had a lot more humor than I was expecting but it didn't hurt the show. In fact I liked all the interactions between the characters. Mick's occasional narration sorta works but I think it should be more of an occasional thing than regular.

Overall I enjoyed it and want to see more.

Are TV shows running on too long part 2

This is a small addendum to my previous post to expand my thoughts on TV series lengths with some different genres. Crime Drama: Depending on the show this can run on for quite a while before becoming stagnant and recycling old plots. Law & Order I think could be running too long. I have not seen an entire episode but considering the premise I do not see it running for too long before becoming stale. Science-Fiction: With the number of things one can do and the liberties a person can take. These can run on for a while. I think the only Sci-Fi plot that actually is stake as far as I've seen is the repeating day storyline. It is almost always guaranteed to suck horrible. The only exception I've seen was part of an episode of SG1. That was actually original and very funny. Drama: These can run on for a while as well. I'm not much of a drama fam but I feel these can run on before becoming stale. Action: Like crime. The premise will have to determine how long this goes for but I feel these can run on for a bit. I would have written more but I do not have the time so I leave you with this and my previous post to think over.

Are TV shows running on too long?

I have been thinking about this for a while and I think it's about time a said it. I think that perhaps some TV shows could go longer than they should. Some say this has already happened with the Simpsons but I am NOT going to open that can of worms. One example of a show that could run on for too long is "How I met your mother". Sure the main character says "It's a long story." but could it be TOO long? This is where we get into the meat. Some TV shows have premises which could be shortened. Such as the aforementioned "How I met your mother". I could see that lasting two seasons, three depending on how they spread the episodes. But any longer and it will get old quick. People will stop watching as it drags on and with little plot movement. Comedy shows are a whole different things. They can do more storylines as current events give them more material to satire. These can run on for quite a while thanks to this. I think that some shows should have a set number of episodes if the show will drag on if it were to go on for too long, and those that can go on for a while, should. Whether people agree with me or not, I don't know. But right now I'm just glad I got this off my chest.

The 12 steps.

So I was watching South Park last night (12-7-05) and a few things struck me as odd or true. One was the twelve steps they had AA using about believing in God and accepting Him. That struck me as odd so I looked it up starting on Wikipedia and using Google as well. And hely crap it was real. Please excuse me for I am about to go into rant mode (TM). How in the HELL is believing in God supposed to help you recover from alcolholism? Now I don't doubt that AA has helped a lot of people, but I don't believe that believing in a higher power is going to help. You know Stan said it best: "All you have to do is stop drinking as much." I will get hideously flamed if anyone reads this but Stan hit it right on the head. You want to stop getting drunk all the time you admit to yourself that YOU have control over your actions. You can say "NO. I will not have another drink" You can say "Yes, I have a problem that I can and will have to fix." Another thing he mentioned is moderation. He hit the nail on the head here as well. If you want to avoid alcoholism you have to drink in moderation. All you have to do is avoid getting drunk as when drunk you don't have much control over your actions and I'm sure we've all seen drunk driving accidents on the news. Just admit you have powere over your actions and

Drawn Together Bible comment

I was watching the Drawn togethr episode "Clum Babies" last night (11-16-05) and a comment at the end of the episode got me thinking. The line was that the Bible is for everyone to interpret in their own way rather than as a strict set of rules set forth by God. And you know something? It reminded me of why I am atheist. Priest keep spouting off about how things are wrong because the Bible says so. I'm sure we've all seen it sometime. But the thing is, the Bible is a VERY old book. It's ridiculos NOT to think that someone has edited the book to suit their own purposes. In fact there are a lot more books to the Bible than the ones we commonly see today but one of the Roman emperors (Whose name I can not remember) had those books removed and used the onew we know today such as Genesis and Revelations. Now that we know of, but what about the text itself? I have not heard of the text itself being altered but it is possible. No considering that there have been a lot of people who have altered the Bible, is it possible to use it for anything? Yes, morals. While I don't believe in Jesus or God I believe in some of the morals stated in the book. If we use some of the morals to help guide our lives maybe we can become better people.

More new shows

Ok so the second episode of Viewtiful Joe and third episode of IGPX, I missed the second, damn. Ok SO Joe, the writing was certainly improved from the first, mainly the beginning of the first. It was nice to see Blue Jr do something that helped Joe out and I hope we get to see more of that. Personally I would have made Blue Jr. seem smart for his age but that's just me. One complaint I forgot to mention last time is that the animation of the charaecters looks like the game and some characters have twigs for lower legs. That's my only complaint however. IGPX, I only see the recap from ep 2 so I won't have much detail about it. It was nice to see some of the politics behind the team with Ms. Satomi. Her VA did a nice job of making her have a stressed out exhausted voice and did good with her cheerful voice later on. Takeshi is quite the hot head, he needs to learn to control his anger so he doesn't crash or get himself hurt. It should be interesting to see how his personality changes through the series as he races and learns new things. The love interest he has with the French chick should be interesting as well. I also enjoyed one of the Black Egg drivers smiling and saying that Takeshi put up a good race, nice show of sportsmanship there. I also liked seeing the racers and race crew work together to beat Black Egg, using a very good strategy as well by boxing in that one mech. If they continue to do that they should go far in the IG1. That's it for now, see you next time.

Been a week.

I really can't post on this much due to the fact I have had a lot of work this week, thank God there's nothing tomorrow. So Family Guy, the 11/6/2005 episode was about the FCC. And you know something, it was funny because it was true. When Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake staged that stunt (Wardrobe malfunction my ass) the world changed. Anything indecent was censored beyond recognition. Then I began to wonder, why does the FCC control so much? Family Guy pushes the FCC's limits, they know it, we know it, hell everyone who has seen Family Guy knows it. But why do we let censoship run rampant. No don't get me wrong I believe in censorship to a degree. People should wise up and when they see something that offends us we should change the channel. I've said this at other places, I'll say it here, and I'll say it many times before I die. People are idiots. As soon as we see something offensive we go crazy and say "Boycott this!" when all you have to do is CHANGE THE CHANNEL AND STOP WATCHING IT. It takes TWO seconds to change the channel so you don't have to watch it, censorship is being taken too far and has to be stopped before we have FCC guys holding black bars over our privates and censoring real life like on Family Guy.
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