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Are TV shows running on too long?

I have been thinking about this for a while and I think it's about time a said it. I think that perhaps some TV shows could go longer than they should. Some say this has already happened with the Simpsons but I am NOT going to open that can of worms. One example of a show that could run on for too long is "How I met your mother". Sure the main character says "It's a long story." but could it be TOO long? This is where we get into the meat. Some TV shows have premises which could be shortened. Such as the aforementioned "How I met your mother". I could see that lasting two seasons, three depending on how they spread the episodes. But any longer and it will get old quick. People will stop watching as it drags on and with little plot movement. Comedy shows are a whole different things. They can do more storylines as current events give them more material to satire. These can run on for quite a while thanks to this. I think that some shows should have a set number of episodes if the show will drag on if it were to go on for too long, and those that can go on for a while, should. Whether people agree with me or not, I don't know. But right now I'm just glad I got this off my chest.