[QUOTE="OrC4n_"] He kind of has a point. If the Germans had been left to their own devices in europe (by whichI mean Britain and Russia weren't in the war) they may well have developed nuclear weapons first. They also developed rockets first,even thoughtheir research facilities were continually being bombed. Taking that into acount and considering that pearl harbour would still have happened regardless,I thinkan aloneAmerica might have had some serious problems.
No....he doesn't have a point. First off...when you go to war against other countries....how are you "left to your own devices". Second....you can't rewrite history....and you can't make assumptions that have no basis in fact. For his statement to be true....the US would have had to do nothing to defend itself.
I find that hard to believe......especially since if Hitler conquered Europe...he was getting the USSR next...NOT the US.
You appear to have misunderstood me. I was merely arguing that it isn't impossible to envisage a situation where Hitler could have defeated the US. I wasn't trying to present facts or rewrite history, but rather use knowlage of the situation to make not altogether unreasonable assumptions about what could have happened, not what definately would have happened. My basis for arguing such being to show that it is not a completely forgone conclusion that the previous poster was making a rediculous claim.
As for what I mean by 'left to their own devices'. I simply meant that they were left unopposed by the western powers to invade countries like poland and checkoslovakia, and then to subsequently build up their industry and military in whatever way they saw fit.
I do agree with you that Hitler would have attacked Russia next and not the US. That is quite obvious considering what actually happened. However 'if it weren't for the USSR there wouldn't be a western democracy a USA' implies that in this particular 'what if' situation, we are disregarding the presence of the USSR. As for Hitler attacking America? It was Germany that declared war on the US right after pearl harbour, not the other way round.
"For his statement to be true....the US would have had to do nothing to defend itself."
While it would have been a very difficult war for Germany to win, I think you underestimate them. You have to remember that Japan would also have been fighting, which would be a great help to the Germans. I will also make the point again that Germany had fantastic technology (rockets, jets) before everyone else.
In conclusion, I would like to reiterate the fact that while I am speculating and that it is true that making assumptions is always a bit dodgy, I think that the points I have made help to show that it is naive not to recognise how important the contribution that the USSR made in World War 2 was to the future of the world outside of europe, as well as in.
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