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Why do bad games happen?

Sometimes I wonder, how come bad games are being released? I'm not gonna name any certain one in particular, but give you this form: you spend your money on a game which is completely overpriced, and it has dozens of things that keep frustrating you to the point when you just want to throw your console against the wall. The controls are way too complicated, the graphics might have been better in this day and age, the camera does not work at all, the gameplay is repetitive and dull, finally the story is so weak and shallow it makes you think that it was written by a pack of wild boars.

Now you're all angry going out of your mind trying to figure out why in the world did this game even reach the stage of occupying space on the shelf in the game store. I mean, what, don't the people who make the game realize that what they're making is garbage? They must at some point come to a conclusion, "man, we're making a really crappy game right now". What about the beta testers? Don't they tell the people in charge that the product is a complete disaster?

Things like mediocre games shouldn't even happen. Anything less than 7.0 shouldn't be introduced to the public, it should be destroyed so that nobody even remembers it ever happened. Isn't it weird that all these really poor games come out?