Okay, so right now I have around $60 I need to spend on something. Since I am in China at the moment I cant just go down the street to find a game store, so I need to purchase them online with Steam or something like that. Its pretty cool actually, I walked down the street to school some days ago and I just found 100 Chinese money. Thats about $14 just right to me, so naturally enough, I bring it home and add in to my other collection of money. To much money! Anyhow, I need to spend them on something right? So I went to Steam to see which games I don't have (Have a lot!) and choose the ones I would like. So I found these 3 games which add to a total of $50 so I still have around $10 left to whatever I need. (Taxi's etc.) Anyway, heres the games:
- Titan Quest Gold
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R
- Audiosurf
Do you guys think these games are worth getting? I mean, I were a big fan of the Diablo series and Titan Quest looks exacly the same, just with new graphics, monsters etc. Only for $20 I get both of the games. The original and Immortal Throne. S.T.A.L.K.E.R sounds awesome too, but old and my computer can run it really nice, I checked at Systemrequirementlabs and its over recommended. Awesome! And I also checked out Audiosurf (The demo) and it freakin' rocks. So, you guys, out there, fellow gamespotters. Are these games worth getting?