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Multiplayer Apathy

This gen is the multiplayer gen (apart from PC's..they've been doing it longer). Okay so state the obvious, right? This is the console generation where everyone can play everyone else. The generation where you can swear at someone halfway round the world.

Then why am I bored? Why does mutliplayer no longer grab me? I have a theory or two.

MW2. Okay so it's not fair to blame one game for my apathy but it has just become so samey. Jump into match, kill people, defend/attack objective, die. Rinse and repeat. Maybe I should try something else like MAG or BF:BC2. Maybe that'll help me renew my love for online gaming.

Even the RUSE Beta hasn't really grabbed me, but then again my laptop can't run it properly so that may be why.

Do you think you have the answer to solve my apathy? Go on then.