When I was a little boy, two companies fought for my attention. These companies were Nintendo and Sega. To anyone who was born after 1995, you will never know the ultimate Console Wars. These were deadly with both companies attacking each other in public, not like now where companies put on friendly faces then stab each other in the back. This was all out War!
I mean watch that ad! Sega outright attacked Nintendo. Do Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo do this? No, because they don't have the cojones!
Sega. You used to be King of this industry. Now you're Nintendo's b1tch?! What is this madness?! If my 7 year old self came to the future, he would walk up to your offices and slap all of you in the faces then have a tantrum in the lobby. Do you want that Sega? Do you want the 7 year old to throw a tantrum? Because I will invent a time machine to make it happen.
Do you know what you need to do Sega? Create a new console. I already have an idea and a marketing campaign to boot. I've done like half the work already. Build Sega. Build. I want to sit down one day, watch TV, see the screen go black then watch as flashes of Old Sega games appear in the background one at a time while the in the foreground you chart Sega's previous hardware. Then the screen goes white and then we hear, what every Sega fanboy longs to hear. We hear the words "Seeeeeeeeegaaaaaaaaa!" And underneath those words, Resurrection.
Yes Sega. Your new console will be called the Sega Resurrection and it will smite all competition!