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Seriously... a couple of people "tagged" me (namely, majorflyswat and John1918), so I am supposedly compelled to reveal 5 things about myself that no one on GS knows about me.

Being me, however, I'll throw my own spin on this (really, it's an interesting idea, but wouldn't have been nicer just to ask?!? :? ) and invoke obscure Rule ORK-1137-a of The Universe:

A.) I'll reveal 10 things about myself:

1. I'm a very small person: 5' 5", about 135 lbs. (I don't know the metric conversions). Consequently, I find it very easy to fade into a crowd and (when needed) sneak in to places. This comes in very handy because...

2. I have a miserable memory for the mundane. I'm forever locking myself out of my house because I left my keys in the house; at one point, I left the windows of my car cracked and taped a straightened coat-hanger under my car, because I would randomly leave my keys on the seat (for some reason, it seemed more secure than a Hide-a-Key... :P ). Now, I just wear clothes with a ton of pockets, and put everything in them.

3. I am legally blind in one eye, due an accident I suffered in the Navy. Basically, we were hauling a large electric motor from an engineering space, in high seas. The ship I was on was a "gator freighter" (an amphibious ship that carries Marines), the USS Nassau (anyone who's read "Red Storm Rising" should recognize the name); gators are flat-bottomed, and ride high in the water, making them very prone to rocking. Compounding the problem was my partner in this, who'd only been on the ship for a month, and never in a storm, so his balance was poor, to say the least. As we hauled, the ship caught a massive wave from the bow, rocked up over it, and threw him into me... elbows-first. Being much taller than me, one elbow caught me in the eye. It took two months to clear enough for me to see out of, and I was left with a permanent scar on the retina, which was torn by the impact.

4. I have a Stork Pin. Four years ago, my wife went into labor while I was at work. It took a half-hour to leave work, drive the 12 miles home (at an average speed of 90 MPH), and pick her up. I wasn't concerned: from experience, I "knew" we had 2 hours until delivery... notice I said "knew." :lol: The hospital was 20 minutes away, and we had "plenty of time," right? (Especially since it was 5:30AM, traffic was light, and I knew my car could do a shade more than the "conservative" 90MPH I had driven to get home). My wife got on her cell phone, called 911, and asked them for an escort, which was rejected (some BS about "reckless driving" :? ). As soon as I got on the last stretch of highway into Troy (Rt. 7) and got a half-mile down, she grabs me and says, "Pull over. Now. I feel the baby's head coming out." Um... what? I pull over quickly, and about 5 minutes, one scared cop (he took one look at what I was doing and said, "I'll go get a blanket." My tax dollars at work. :lol: ), and some severly ruined upholstery later, I'm holding our youngest (irony? I didn't know it was a girl until I got to the hospital... :lol: ).

5. I have green eyes. Take a look at my blog banner, over on the left by the Java icon. That's a couple shades darker than my eyes, but very close to the right color.

6. I hit level 8 without posting anything. I used (and still use) GS to download patches for legacy games who's companies no longer support them (like Warlords: Battlecry).

7. I've played on a console on every generation (excluding the current one) since the Magnavox Oddysey (in the early 70's!), and still own an NES (currently hooked up), a Genesis, and an SNES.

8. I own books from at least 20 PnP RPGs. Before we moved two years ago, we had a 7' high by 4'wide by 18" deep bookcase for my books. The bottom two shelves were packed with RPG books. It took 3 people to carry that box to my parent's place for storage (we had no new bookcase, and no room for the books :( ).

9. I have miserable luck with cars. In order, I've lost them to: theft (never recovered), a collision with an 18-wheeler (tore the entire front end off the car... the engine block ended up 10 yards away; I got out without a scratch), a collision with a Toyota (almost no damage to his car; mine was totalled... odd thing: both cars were Toyota Corollas); total brake failure (right before I put it into a telephone pole to keep it from crossing a busy state route on a red light... that probably would have hurt a lot), blown clutch (it would have cost 4 times what the car was worth to fix it), a blown head-gasket (fried the engine to a crisp), a blown valve (saddest loss... I delivered a baby in that car), and yesterday, I almost lost another to a blown tire (as it was, it ripped up the side of the car, and I have to buy a new lens and mount for the passenger-side blinker... I'll have to take a picture and post it).

10. I have a one-eyed calico cat named Harlequin (because she reminds me of the old court jesters of medieval times, and because of the Joker's sidekick in Batman: The Animated Series).

Now that that's taken care of...

B). I'm not going to tag anyone! HAHAHAHHAHA!!! Instead, if you want to tag someone (and ran out of "tags") or even yourself, just do it and blame it on me. :lol: