OK... as you can probably guess, I'm a little fried around the edges right now; the combination of school, home, and not much else has been a bit stressful. The weather hasn't really been cooperating: everytime I try to get out and try some of that elusive stuff known as "fresh air," it starts raining... not "nice refreshing shower" rain, but "Noah called; he wants to know where to find a pair of woodchucks" rain. Cabin fever, here I come!
Calculus is killing me slowly. Some days, I can look at a problem and say, "Oh, yeah, that's simple enough; I'll just knock that right off, no problem." Other days, I can stare at the same problem and just want to scream in frustration. Makes me want to take up "hand-waving Calculus" (wave hands wildly, screaming "It's obviously the right answer; after all, I'm always right!"), but I doubt that will get me a passing grade.
With the oldest home all summer (I loved summer vacation as a kid; I think it was created by the Chaos Gods nowadays), it gives me more reason to wonder why we didn't hand him off to an orphanage when we had the chance... no, I'm kidding there. Really.
Diablo 2 was going nice and smooth until the end of Act 2; does anyone have a strategy for beating Duriel that doesn't involve getting killed 15 times? I'm running a lvl. 25 Necromancer.
Finally, I've also eased myself back into C&C3 after installing patch 1.06... which involved installing the dreaded 1.05 patch. Re-learning strategy for each side post-.05 is ridiculous, but I've figured out how to win with the Scrin.
Hopefully, I can climb out of my current funk and feel positive about things by next week; right now, everything's in a rut, and the only thing keeping me sane is the wild stuff I post and read here.
Random music pick: since Firefox just decided to update, and consequently lost my link to it (not to mention the glitchy things it does when it needs a restart) I'll edit it in later. Sorry!
UPDATE: OK... I found my link to one of the strangest videos I have ever seen... Green Jelly (formerly Green Jello until they were sued by... Jello) had the distinction of being the first band to shoot the music video before releasing the album. Not the most talented band on Earth, but very entertaining. (WARNING: may contain content mildly offensive... but hilarious.)