One of the games I bought with my Christmas money this year was the phenominal RPG, Dragon Quest VIII. And, although I've only had it just a short time, I've racked over 50 hours on this single game. Not a big achievement by any means, but I also logged in some decent hours on Advance Wars: Dual Strike and the Internet.
So far, I'm in love with the story. It's pretty cliche, but it's very light-hearted, and the characters (with decent voice-overs) really bring it alive. Yangus and Don Mole happen to be my 2 favorite characters. King Trode is very cool, too. The battle system is very simple and easy to learn, but the battles can be tough as hell. One example is my current boss, Dhoulmagus himself.
His first form is fairly easy. He makes two clones with several hundred HP, and he has several thousand. Despite the fact that I lost the first try (I was dumb enough not to return to town and heal, which means I had jack MP), he was fairly easy the second time. His second form, not so much. The bastard has a variety of attacks, including devastating KaCrackle and KaSizzle that hits for 70 damage per character. Also, he can attack twice in one turn. He ate me alive pretty darn fast, since my party's MP reserves were pretty much depleted at that point. He also resembles Freeza's second form... Very, very slightly.
One cool thing about the game is that, when you die, you aren't given the Game Over screen and forced to lose all your progress. In DQVIII, you start back at the last church you visited with full HP/MP and half of money gone. Also, if you fight a two formed boss and lose against the second one, you can continue your fight just against the second one. you don't have to fight the first one again.
This isn't a review, but I must say, it's a great game, and one of the best RPG's in over a decade in my opinion. I recommend you give the ol' baby a try. It's n00b friendly, but it doesn't shun on difficulty. That's what I love most about it.
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