No discusion of 1400 by 1050, or performance under DX 10 of the GTS which i can tell you is good. Or the sound problems under EAX or even complete audio cutout for no reason,download the Demo first as a precaution. Or the very real problem of trying to find something else of the same calibur to play after completing it. My rig is E6600, Asus P5NE-Sli motherboard, 8800Gts 640meg, 4gig ram recognised as 3.4 at only 667mhz , Audigy Se (shoulda left the extra ram and got a X-Fi) , Vista32bit.
A) what mystical god told you this. And B blue ray is nice for forwards compatability say 2010 but by then the next gen will be coming. That and procedural techniques are where its at meaning that games could conceivably be a lot smaller in future.
The question you really have to ask is, considering the abysmal translation of Resi 4, did you actually expect capcom to expend any effort on Lost Planet.
A well deserved mention however i think Opposing force deserves a mention also. As at times it was slightly better, when the G-man closes the door on you and your separated by an inch of glass.
Fact is even if you bought a 320 mb Gts youll be well enough set till july of next year. Especially when you consider the number of people who still own a last generation 250mb gfx card.
Thing is i dont really remember anywhere near that may jaggies in HL2, from last week on my new 8800 Gts machine. you have to remember the graphics card has indipendant quality settings
Dont say things like get a job in relation to pricepoint its idiotic. Those with jobs who are targeted are the 18-25 demographic, in England 40% of those will be in Uni and the others probably wont earn more than £18,000 and if theyre saving for the future,, So £465 for a PS3 and 1 games looks a lot differant than £275-299 For an xbox 360 premium and Gears of War
Actually when you think bout it sales could be based a lot more on branding than the actual strengths of the hardware and software. Im willing to bet a lot of PS3 owners will have bought it because of the PS3 brand and or because theyve only really ever owned sony. ( Not refering to most PS3 owners on this sight of course) Besides its moot whether PS3 outsells Xbox 360 simply because it was stated at the start that Msoft were commited to 3 to 5 generations of console. ( it probably part of Msofts plans for world domination)
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