I just want to add games to my collection. I don't want updates regarding games. I don't want to "follow" the games in my collection. I just want a list of what I have and what I want. Like it was a year ago.
I checked the user CP, and there's nothing regarding this "following." I can choose if I want to put games to my collection, wishlist, or now playing. But I can't change crap about the following. What gives? Additionally, going to my list of games I'm following, it's frickin' annoying to remove all those games. Why can't I just mark a tick box, go to the top or bottom, and choose "Remove selected items"? No, instead I have to go to each individual one and choose from a drop-down box that I want to remove the item. Then the page reloads, repeat, blah, blah, blah. I mean, if Google can figure their crap out with YouTube, then how come Gamespot can't?
This whole setup is extremely annoying and counter-intuitive. Maybe because counter-intuitive goes hand-in-hand with annoying.
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