We could make a dreadful but intense survival action game that uses the time as weapon....NAH, let's make another TPS, people love shoot at other people.
Would this game loved by the DPOI* and gaming community if Blizzard would have not made that aggressive marketing operation???
Honestly i don't think so.
The game is good, but is a fair attempt to mix the feats of Arena Shooters and Tactical shooters, unfortunately the idea sucked previosly, coff coff Team fotress series coff coff.
This game is the proof of why Internet people must die.
Great game, unremarkable sound and style that can compare with old Megaman's games, unfortunately it comes in the new era where non-gamers are the majority and debate for every pointless sh*ts.
"This game is not Megaman, gne gne!" said the majority of those idiots.
OtherFabbros' comments