heh http://www.gamespot.com/natural-selection-2/reviews/natural-selection-2-review-6399575/Makenshi
Im still waiting for someone from gamespot to actually review the game..
heh http://www.gamespot.com/natural-selection-2/reviews/natural-selection-2-review-6399575/Makenshi
Im still waiting for someone from gamespot to actually review the game..
Beta 3 has just been released, and its still looking good. They are even ahead of schedule.
This probably one of the most honest and open dev teams you will ever come across.
btw I forgot to mention, its the same guys that made Galatic Civilizations and Sins of the Solar Empire.
For those of you following Elemental: War of Magic, beta 2 was just released on impulse.
You can participate in the beta by pre-ordering it. I have been playing since beta 1g.
They say the beta is NOT SUPPOSE TO BE FUN. So tread lightly :). Go here for a preview of beta 2.
The multiplayer component should be enabled in this build.
Yeah so far the mod shows alot of promise. The main thing holding it back is the network lag. Its not noticable on some servers with only 16 players, but on the 32 players severs there is too much random warping. The next patch is suppose to address this. It should come out this week.
The sale is over, hopefully most of you got it in time.
Crysis and Warhead expansion now $13.59. Crysis is needed to play the beta. And Warhead will be used for the final game. Not sure how long the sale will last.
Initial impressions:
The mod is rough around the edges, but shows promise. Its beta afterall. Once you looked past the unpolished stuff, you start enjoying the game a lot. They had crashing issues the 1st 3 days but they quickly patched it and I haven't crashed since. The controls are hard to get used to. The mechs feel a lot slower than other mechwarrior games (good or bad depending on how you see it). They are definately going for more of a sim feel of the old mechwarrior games, and not the arcadey gamplay mechassault. Mechs have a bad habit of stoppoing on small objects. Some mechs are better then others about this. You need to set your sound quality to low in advanced options and turn off VOIP in sound settings, otherwise the sound stop working and it sounds like you have vasoline in your ears. Graphics are very nice if your computer can handle it. There is sometimes bad lag and warping in 32 players servers. 16 player servers are better about this. If you are itching for a mech game this game will deliever. Just don't expect perfection, its clear they are still working on a lot of things.
Hello everyone, I am pleased to announce that the Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta is ready for you to download. We are currently only sharing a torrent file since our mirrors are still syncing but we thought you would die if you had to wait any longer. We are pushing as many seeds as we can but to allow a fast download for everyone pause your other Torrents that you have and set your upload bandwidth as high as possible. We will share more links as soon as we get feedback from our mirrors that files have been uploaded. Now without any further delays here the Torrent file! Grab it while it's hot! Servers are already up and running and waiting for you to join. http://www.thelivinglegends.net/downloads/Mechwarrior%20Living%20Legends.torrent Cheers, Sebastian "Seraph" Grewe
Looks amazing. When it first submerged out of the water I was all omGGGGGGGGGG. Just like that. Now I have a few days to reinstall and patch Crysis :)
I'm kind of curious how they can share the MechWarrior name without getting wrecked. Or is it not on the radar of thepublishers of the next MW game yet?
Its a free non commerical mod, and MS has said they won't go against them.
It doesn't seem anyone has posted about this mod yet. Its one of the more anticipated mods out there, and they recently announced that open beta finally comes out two days from now (December 26). Just wanted to give everyone a heads up.
YouTube- MechWarrior: Living Legends - Beta Release Trailer
This is a total conversion mod for Crysis has been in development for a couple years now. Its a free mod, but they actually have Crysis employees helping them with the mod. I predict a lot of copies of Crysis will be sold because of it.
EDIT: Beta is now available for download
Hello everyone,
I am pleased to announce that the Mechwarrior Living Legends Beta is ready for you to download. We are currently only sharing a torrent file since our mirrors are still syncing but we thought you would die if you had to wait any longer. We are pushing as many seeds as we can but to allow a fast download for everyone pause your other Torrents that you have and set your upload bandwidth as high as possible.
We will share more links as soon as we get feedback from our mirrors that files have been uploaded.
Now without any further delays here the Torrent file! Grab it while it's hot! Servers are already up and running and waiting for you to join.
Sebastian "Seraph" Grewe
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