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....I wonder how much money I can get from suing Urban Dictionary....

i. have. FURY!!! :?

Wait. :| Wrong phrase. :D

I. have. ANGER!!! :x

Well, my good HOME SKILLETS, I just read my friend djmellstrom's recent blog, where he decided to do research on my AWESOME, increasing-popularitied word, Home Skillet. :D

He then gave a link to Urban Dictionary's definitions of the word.

Here is the link.

How DARE Urban Dictionary list my word as basically meaning "Gangsta"!? :x They have NO right to even HAVE my AWESOME word on their site! :x And they give the WRONG DEFINITION!? :x:x:x

I maaaaay be overreacting, but they are giving out WRONG information about MY word!!! :x:x:x:x:x

Before I continue, I think this counts as my first rant. :| Wow...:lol:

I swear, I am going to have my Ninja Kitten Army ATTACK that website! :x:x:x:x:x:x:x

Thank you, djmellstrom, for showing me this error in that websites definitions.

10 out of the 11 definitions tell my word as meaning "Homie", or "Home Dog", or as being a word for white people that act like people from the ghetto. :|

And pay special attention to the 11th definition.

Home Skillet

Definition: A fruit snack that has been sat on by a taxi driver for seven weeks and is still good to eat.

Usage in a sentence: That was one tasty Home Skillet. :x


Maybe they didn't notice that I am the LEADER of The Ninja Kitten Home Skillet Union, and that me, along with users on the union such as Slyfur, sirracannal, and TheHippyKid, they should WATCH THEIR BACK!!! :x

Alright, I am over reacting, but I still have FURY! :x

Thank you for reading through what I guess is TECHNICALLY my first rant. :lol:

Not much else is going on though. :|

I recently got Theresia for the DS, and I am enjoying it a lot. :)

It is pretty eerie. :) Not really sure if you could call it "scary" though. :|

And I changed my avatar. To celebrate Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth coming out on the 16th, I decided to get a moving avatar of Miles Edgeworth shouting "Objection" in Japanese. :) Epic Win. :lol:

And I just recently became an officer of BlooRoxyBeagle's and LittleGreenDog's new union, The Union That Never Was. :)

So now I advertise it. :)

It is a union where you can talk about Kingdom Hearts, well, anything, but it is dedicated to Organization XIII. :)

The Union That Never Was link.

Well, I guess that is all, Home Skillets. :) Thank you for reading my boring rant blog. :D

Goodbye, Home Skillets! :)

