A lot of my friends have already posted these blogs, so this may not come as much of a suprise for some of you, but it still needs to be said.
Gamespot isn't what it used to be. This site used to be awesome, with a comment system that wasn't annoying, unions where you don't have to post several times to make your message appear, and pages that actually loaded on the first try (not the SEVENTH).
The only reason I've stayed on this site is for my friends in the Catz Clan, and we've finally decided to leave for a Zeta Board, the Catz Clan Sanctuary. It works MUCH better.
So, with there being no further need for this place, I'm leaving.
I never actually thought I would be saying that. I've been here for nearly four years, and in that time I've met some of the most awesome people I've ever had the pleasure of talking to (along with fat guy with a foot fetish).
But, with having all of them in a nice new location that to post in, there really is no further purpose for this website.
Actually, I'm still going to use this site for posting reviews I write and keeping track of my game collection, but as far as communication goes, I can't stand this site anymore.
If anyone wants, you may join our Sanctuary. :) We don't really talk about Cats, going against the title, so what we DO talk about is...random sh*t, pretty much. :P
Gamespot, it has been a good run. I shall miss the good ole' days, but I'm glad to finally be rid of you.
Goodbye, Home Skillets.