...I'm not good with blog titles, okay!?! Especially when they don't have much of a purpose!!! :x
I haven't blogged in a while, so I am making this up as I go. I don't have anything worth blogging about, anyway. :roll:
Wut Up, My Home Skillets! :D
Gaming Updates:
I have beaten Ventus's story in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep. :) I'm now working on Aqua's. :D Why not Terra's, you may be asking? Well...Aqua is...she's hot, alright? 8) She is awesome sauce as well. 8)8)
I got my Saturn back from Canada...again. :| It is now official: My gaming system has been on vacation more times this year than I have! :x The guy who fixed the switch protected it by taping a giant Listerine cap onto the switch to stop anything from hitting it. :lol: It was effective, though. :D My switch flips perfectly. Now I just need to blow some money on import games. :lol:
I started playing Persona 4...again. I love that game. :lol: I haven't replayed it near as many times as Persona 3 though. :D
I haven't touched Grandia or Valkyria Chronicles in a week. :lol: I'll get around to that eventually.
I managed to make the highest F in my Algebra cl@ss :D Only 4 of the 26 people in there passed. :lol: I made a 60 while everybody else who failed made, like, a under 50. :lol:
Is it bad that I'm happy about coming closer to NOT failing than anyone else. :|
I'm making 100's in Biology II though. :D Of course....cheating plays a small role in that. :?
I'm a good person!!! :evil:
I uploaded a pic of myself to my images profile. I don't think it's up yet though. Go check my images. I'm not even sure if it uploaded. My pics usually don't. :cry: I'll guess we'll find out though. *shudder*
...Be nice, sirra. :x You too, cheesyjon. :x:x
*EDIT* I just checked, and it uploaded. :? It's in the pics (1) folder...or category...or whatever. :x
I haven't even started Chapter 6 of Hero yet. :| I'm still not sure how I want the battle to go. :? I WILL be delaying it for a day though. Why? Because sirra-canned ham made me. So, if you are mad or sad about the story being delayed for a day, go blame sirra. :P
Sorry, sirra! :D Your getting mentioned in this blog a LOT though. :lol:
....I need more to blog about. :|
:lol: I got the above pic from somewhere here on GS. :roll:
I wish. :lol:
Later, Home Skillets! :D
-Out-Of-Ammo, The Lord of All Home Skillets