#7: Geist
IMO, Geist is one of the most under-appreciated games ever. I loved this game. It wasn't JUST a FPS. You played as a ghost in this game, basically just trying to find your body, while at the same trying to find and save your friend, who is scheduled to undergo the same experiment that you went through which separated your spirit from your body. The game's shooting segments were very fun. And you could posses things as well. To possess living things, such as rats, dogs, and humans, you had to scare the sh*t out of them first. With that came puzzles, because you would have to figure out which in-animate objects you would have to possess to figure out how to scare the person or animal. This game is very hard to explain, you just have to play it for an hour or two to realize how great the game really is! I only have 2 real complaints about this game: 1. The graphics, while good, are not as great as they could have been. and 2. The camera is inverted, and cannot be changed.
That is #7, and #6 is tomorrow. So until then, goodbye H-O-M-E S-K-I-L-L-E-T-S!!!!!