Im liking the look of Mistwalker ... they have SE sweatingukillwegrilllol no
OutlawStarXIII's forum posts
[QUOTE="TREAL_Since"][QUOTE="-DrRobotnik-"]LOL and im guessing if Level 5 decides to go multiplat, theyre not so great anymore? Dark Cloud 2 was brilliant, but Rogue Galaxy was meh. Not sure what to think of WKC yet, i hope its good because the PS3 sure needs a good JRPG.-DrRobotnik-
They have already decided to go mutltiplat and PS3 fans still love their games. Dragon Quest 9 is one Wii.
I was thinking more along the lines of a 360 release.
Well Dark Cloud series, White Knight series, and Rouge Galaxy series are all owned by Sony so they can't go multi. If Level-5 does make a game for 360, it'd have to be a new IP. And I doubt that'll piss off cows. Although, we both know Level-5 will probably never develop for Microsoft again, just hypothetically speaking.[QUOTE="OutlawStarXIII"]Why are people still laughing. Dress is a part of HOME. You dress your avatars on NXE You dress your Mii's on the Mii Channel. Anybody who laughs from here on out, is a hypocrite. Unless you wanna be cool and bash all 3.ukillwegrill
It's a poor app to hype like sony are trying to do.
Agreed, then again. It seems like everybody these days hype stupid stuff. Also I think its safe to say the HOME hype has slowly died. I don't even care about anymore. Sony-Just about everything MS-NXE Nintendo-Wii Music
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