I want to go into medicine and there is nothing more for me because it just seems like the perfect career. I have been wanting to be a veterinarian since I was 8 but now I'm not sure if I want to be either a doctor or a veterinarian.
Oveeja's forum posts
The Offspring or just the game because most of what I play has great music.
70 hours and I finished exactly the last day of 2008, my mom was like let's go to church and I was fighting gannon right ythere and then. But I finally did it and it felt awesome I even did the Cox
U.N. Squadron. Screwattack's #1 2d shooter. It is awesome but it reaquires a lot of skill.
The whole point of videogames is to give a different experience than any other hobbie while making it fun and refreshing for people. I believe this game will do more than that.
As The Last Guardian, Metal Gear Rising and God of War III are already coming out for the ps3 I ask for Persona 5 and nothing else.
I plan on getting Muramasa the Demon Blade and that is my last game for another year because I already got 20 games for the ps2 and my mom would kill me if I got anything else.
Of course I've heard of it. It's the shooter for the Genesis that got famous the frase All Your Base Are Belong To Us as being the worst English translation ever in a videogame.
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Thoughts on the DS: I played it for ther first time the day of Christmas a year ago (as you can guess it was my christmas gift) and I started playing Final Fantasy IV then I got to The World Ends With You and those two games got me in love with the system. It has many great rpgs and almost anything for anyone out there. Lots of fun always
My Current Top 5 Games:
2. Final Fantasy IV
3. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
4. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
5. Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
I still havn't played that many so this list may change except for number one because it has become my second favourite game ever
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