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E3 afterthoughts

Wow.  E3 this year was real f'ing sweet.  I didn't actually get around to looking at most of the new games untill a week after it happened.  The titles I'm most looking forward to are Gears of War and MGS4, though admitidly I have no plans for buying a PS3.  It cost a pretty penny to buy my X360 when it first came out, and PS3 is looking to be even MORE expensive than that.  I never much cared for Nintendo titles, but my jaw hit the floor when I found out the Solid Snake will be in SSBB.  It will be interesting to see Snake fighting in a game such as that  (Funny thought; Snake pulls out FA-MAS on Mario, Mario wets himself)  Hell, if they're gonna have Snake in it, why not have the Cyber Ninja (the Gray Fox one) be a secret charecter ;) I've been beating round the bush about buying a PS2 lately (that's right, I actually DONT own one, though i've borrowed a freind's console to play certain games that looked interesting).  Maybe it's time I get one seeing how they're probably about to get cheaper.  I must admit, God of War 2 looks promising.