Yeah, first time when I meet the forums the only one reason for that was supporting. I do not know why but I like to much supporting. Supported many people but for a short time ( a small reason ) left the supporting and started sharing ilegal files, you know ( Warez. )
The only reason what I left supporting and started sharing was the only thing in my life before what I wanted to be a Moderator at forums. Yeah, this was the only thing! :) But that did not take a long time, shared like an animal a tons just for only about a few weeks, and I got Moderator. :) After a few weeks I increased my rank to Super Moderator and finally at the semi-end of the story got Administrator and for two weeks got banned. :D
At least I got my all needed grades, but something put me to open my own forum and to shared like an evil, tons of posts, tons of threads. :) I done it, started admining my own one. Learnt a lot of Web-Development languages, bought a host about 70$, spent a lot of time ( which it got WASTE ) for nothing just got some months alive ( still alive ) with nothing than a thousand memebers about five thousand topics and six thousand posts ( This is sharing, advertising, posting like a FREAK ) for what for nothing. :)
After I saw it for a few weeks I got to myself and told that I should change this, because nothing to brief with stealing, doing ilegal things.
For a few months I changed all of my mind and finally got back to supporting area. :) Yeah than now I am happy, I hate sharing now, so I love supporting people and hope this will countinue until the last grade of my IT career.
Now I am just supporting people at forums, nor' sharing forever, just my own material. This was the story of me and forums. :)