I recommend Untold Legends 1 over Untold Legends 2. Also, Warriors of the Lost Empire is a great hack and slash game.
P260's forum posts
i would get this sound card instead
Haha, thanks. I only have 2.1 though, so I wasn't planing on spending much on a sound card.
Get a Corsair VX550W instead as PSUdayaccus007
How about something more powerful in the 600-700 watt range. I'm planing to SLI in the future.
Power Supply
Video Card
Hard Drive X2
Optical Drive X2
CPU Cooler
Ram/Memor X2 (4GB total)
Sound Card
And Windows XP. All together would cost me around 1500. Any comments suggestions? Anything I should upgrade/downgrade?
680i isn't futureproof like P35 is thus you'll have to upgrade much sooner.
E6750 isn't much more than a E6550 and a significantly better performer,thus its a better value.
The response from this board made 2 things sure, I need to wait at least 9 days until getting a new PC (I was going to order this tomorrow) and I cannot go with the current power supply. Also, I'll look at the E6750 and the P35 motherboard thanks to your advice. I do want to make this futureproof (aiming at 2 years) and better performence for something slightly more expensive seems like a better deal.
Change PSU to Corsair VX550W.
Wait for the 8800GT.
680i = fail,get a P35 board instead.
Get a E6750,better value than E6550.
Then you have a awesome rig.
The first 2 sentences are great. The second 2 confuse me to no end. Seriously, pretend like I know nothing about computers--don't pretend, I really do now nothing about computers--and tell me why the 680i is fail, why the P35 board is better, and why the e6750 is better (for me) than the e6550. But thanks for the advice, I decided to wait and see how good the 8800GT is. No matter how much I want to play TF2, I think the wait will be worth it with my new PC.
you dont need 700 wats unless you SLI/crossfire which really isn't necessary. oh and the 8800GT comes october 29filmography
I wanted to buy a PC that I wouldn't have to upgrade for 2 years, so I though 700 watts would last me that long. Thanks for your input. I'll look into the power supply that you recomended. :)
8800 GT comes out October 29th? What is a 8800 GT? Better than the GTS?
[QUOTE="P260"][QUOTE="WhiteSnake5000"]Get a different power supply. It's good but not worth it's price.
Please, give me some links to better power supplies. More bang for my buck! Thanks for pointing that out, I'll look for other options myself. But if you have something in mind, by all means please tell me.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139004The one that I posted was 700-watt (which is what I was looking for) and is only $20 more than the one you linked. Maybe I'm missing something?
Get a different power supply. It's good but not worth it's price.
Please, give me some links to better power supplies. More bang for my buck! Thanks for pointing that out, I'll look for other options myself. But if you have something in mind, by all means please tell me.
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