An eternity might be enough to master Tekken
P7R8's forum posts
Will GTA V manage to oust LOTZ and have an impact more profound than Ocarina of Time. I really don't think so.
3.Halo 4
4.Halo 2
The guy wo started this thread is a hardcore Sony fanboy. If you have'nt already realized that then go getyourself an "I <3 Sony" tattoo to join his club and diss other exculsives like Halo , Mario and Zelda
Did'nt know tastes were so varied in video games :3 ....Anyway as long as we enjoy our games we don't give a damn as to who says what .. Cheers
Yeah, so halo is indeed Microsoft's lone selling point whereas Sony used to rely on its proven FInal Fantasy ,Tekken and Konami exclusives to dish out damage.Now that they are'nt exlcusive anymore and looking at the fact that Sony's current exclusives(They buried Ratchet and Clank,Jak and Daxter, Kinda ended GOW,seemingly don't know what more they can add to uncharted,have Gran Turismo losing out to Forza Motorsport) are kinda going stale, which side would you choose?
Alright maybe Uncharted's what's keeping Sony's head above water but it certainly pales in comparision with Halo. Come on now you can't possibly deny that
For the love of God Sony has stale exclusives and all you pathetic noobs out there can go play your sub par Sony pieces of shit because you can't face the fact that one of thefinest FPS franchises in video game history belongs exclusively to MS.
Plus in case you wanna compare averages, the average score of the mainstream Halo's is higher than any franchise Sony has brought into this world.
Plus you can go shove your laggy PSN up your ass you golden noob
Uncharted has gone stale, Sony ended GOW, Ratchet and Clank's been buried , Forza Motorsport has more acclaim than Gran Turismo and we even have Gears of War to boot with so STFU.
P.S- Halo is the best multiplayer FPS shooter out there
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