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I hate blogging lol

Oh yes, I truly do. I most times would rather just comment on my friends' blogs. :) (I write this after being pushed to blog more, so- here's more, but don't look for it anymore).

Now Playing....

Now Playing.....

Hard Reset :) Great game, enjoying it like I did the demo (I had about 4 hours on it). Also, like many people on Steam yesterday, I installed Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. Haven't tried it yet because I'm quite happy with Hard Reset. As a single player of the PC persuasion I really like the last few games that have catered to me and gamers like me. E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy, Hard Reset, Red Orchestra 2 HOS all releasing near each other, all PC exclusive, 2 of them single player, first person, but Red Orchestra 2 has single player (unlike it predacessor Osfront, and the inclusion of sp is the only reason I purchased Red Orchestra 2). The late year gaming blitz will start soon, the games I have my eye on are Stronghold 3, Skyrim, Rage, all I can think of off the top of my head.

*Update, the single player of Red Orchestra 2 has game breaking bugs- until they patch it. Was a bit slow. I was looking forward on getting further into and it picking up. Now, I have to wait and see. Plus, it has strategy mixed in, it's not just a fps single player campaign, and wouldn't you know it, it's the strategy element that's breaking the game right now. I wish it were optional, and I wish they would've advertised it as action/strategy instead of just action(aka shooter), I probably wouldn't have bought it if they had. When I'm in the mood for that, I play the Brothers In Arms series.

Raptr Uninstall

I did away with Raptr today, it's just a waste of space on my PC. It's basically for chat and achievements. Chat- well, I couldn't care LESS about that. Not overly social and I'm not some teenager that lives to socialize (I'm in my 30's). Far as the achievements, they never kept it current, had it over a month and still no updating of achievements. I realize they're still in beta phase, but right now, it's just a waste of space.